21 Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle Jars DIY You Can Make At Home - (2024)

DISCLAIMER: This article’s pictures doesn’t contain bendy candle inside jars but you can definitely change them into bendy candles as it would add more flare into your home decor. This will guide you how you can further design your bendy candles in a jar through different variations for a more fantastic space!

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (1)

Hey there! Are you ready to embark on a fun and creative journey that will not only illuminate your home but also add a touch of warmth and style to your decor? Well, you’re in for a treat because we’ve got 21 easy, bendy candle jar DIY projects that you can whip up right at home.

Table of Contents

Embracing the Art of Candle Crafting.

Candle crafting is a timeless art that has graced homes with warmth, ambiance, and personal touch for centuries. There’s something truly magical about the soft flicker of candlelight, and what’s even more enchanting is the satisfaction of creating your own candles. We will explore the world of candle crafting, focusing on the delightful realm of easy bendy candle jars DIY projects that you can effortlessly make at home.

Beauty of Bendy Candle Jars.

Bendy candle jars are essentially glass containers that can hold and showcase candles of various shapes and sizes. What sets them apart is their versatility. The bendy part comes into play when you realize just how many ways you can personalize and decorate these jars to suit your style and occasion.

Crafting Coziness with Bendy Candle Jars.

There’s something deeply comforting about the soft, flickering glow of a candle. It’s a small but powerful way to create an atmosphere of warmth and relaxation in your home. What’s even more special is when you’ve crafted that candle yourself, inside a charming bendy candle jar that adds a personal touch to your space.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #1: Classic Glass Jar Candle.

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (2)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Fragrance Oils (Optional)
  5. Double Boiler (or a DIY Version)
  6. Thermometer
  7. Stirring Stick

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Take your wick and cut it to the height of your glass jar, leaving a little extra to stick out from the top. You want your wick to be just tall enough to peek over the jar’s rim.
  2. Using a dab of melted wax as glue, attach the wick’s metal tab to the bottom center of your glass jar.
  3. Now, it’s time to get the wax melting. If you’re using a double boiler, place your wax in the top bowl and let it melt gently. Keep an eye on the thermometer; you want the wax to reach about 170°F (77°C).
  4. Add a few drops of your chosen fragrance oil into the melted wax. Stir it in gently with your stirring stick. Imagine the delightful aroma filling your space!
  5. Carefully pour the melted wax into your glass jar, leaving a little space at the top. Make sure the wick stays centered as you pour.
  6. Once your candle is completely cool and solid, trim the wick to about 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) above the surface of the wax. This ensures a clean and safe burn.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #2: Mason Jar Lanterns

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (3)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Mason Jars
  2. Candle Lights or LED Tea Lights
  3. Twine or Wire
  4. Wire Cutters
  5. Pliers
  6. Decorative Elements (Optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Give your Mason jars a good clean and make sure they’re dry.
  2. Take your wire or twine and create a handle for your lantern. Cut a suitable length, shape it into a loop, and securely attach it to the neck of the Mason jar. Make sure it’s sturdy enough to hang.
  3. If you want to jazz up your lanterns, consider wrapping twine around the jar, adding ribbons, or even painting them with charming designs.
  4. Drop in your candle lights or LED tea lights into the Mason jars. If you’re using LED lights, they’re safer and still provide that cozy glow.
  5. Now, it’s time to find the perfect spot to hang your lanterns. They work wonderfully indoors or on a porch. Use hooks, nails, or tree branches – wherever you want to infuse a bit of rustic magic.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #3: Scented Candle Jars

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (4)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars with Lids
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Fragrance Oils
  5. Double Boiler (or DIY Version)
  6. Thermometer
  7. Stirring Stick
  8. Clothespins or Chopstick
  9. Decorative Elements (Optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Take your clear glass containers and fill them about two-thirds full with water. The choice of water temperature is yours – warm water can help candles release their scent if you’re using scented ones.
  1. Drop in flower petals, glass beads, or a touch of food coloring to create a stunning visual effect in the water. Feel free to mix and match to achieve the look you desire.
  1. Now, gently place your floating candles on the water’s surface. They should rest gracefully, giving off a soft, inviting glow. You can use one large candle or several smaller ones, depending on the container’s size.
  1. As the sun sets or whenever you want to create a cozy atmosphere, light those candles! Be sure to use a long-reach lighter or matches for safety.
  1. Arrange them on your dining table, mantle, or any other surface you want to adorn. The shimmering candles and decorative elements will instantly elevate the ambiance.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #4: Floating Candle Centerpieces

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (5)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Containers or Vases
  2. Water
  3. Floating Candles
  4. Decorative Elements (Optional)
  5. Tray or Mirror (Optional).
  6. Imagination

Step-by-Step Guide:

1.) Select your clear glass containers or vases. Feel free to mix and match different shapes and sizes to create an interesting visual appeal.

2.) Use clean, preferably distilled, water to keep things crystal clear. Leave some space at the top to prevent overflowing when you add the candles.

3.) Gently place your floating candles on the surface of the water in each container. Watch as they gracefully float and create a magical, serene atmosphere.

4.) If you want to take your centerpieces to the next level, consider scattering flower petals, colored stones, or small floating flowers on the water’s surface. This adds a lovely touch of elegance and color.

5.) For an extra dash of sophistication, place your glass containers on a tray or mirror. It not only looks fantastic but also reflects the gentle glow of the candles beautifully.

6.) As the sun sets or when you’re ready to enjoy the ambiance, light the floating candles. You’ll be mesmerized by the soft, flickering glow they create.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #5: Layered Sand Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (6)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars or Containers
  2. Sand in Various Colors
  3. Candle Wax or Paraffin Wax
  4. Candle Wicks
  5. Fragrance Oil (Optional)
  6. Pencil or Stick
  7. Funnel (Optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start by giving your glass jars a good clean and ensure they’re completely dry. You want a clean canvas for your beachy masterpiece.
  1. Using your heatproof container and makeshift double boiler, melt the wax. Keep a watchful eye on the temperature, aiming for around 170-180°F (77-82°C).
  1. If you want to add a delightful beachy aroma to your candles, stir in some fragrance oil while the wax is melting. A few drops go a long way.
  1. Secure the wick at the bottom center of your glass jar. You can use a dab of melted wax to hold it in place. Make sure it stands straight and tall.
  1. Pour a layer of one color of sand into the jar, creating the base. Gently tap the jar to level the sand. This will bind the sand and create your first candle layer. Leave it to cool and harden.
  1. Repeat the process by adding layers of different-colored sand and wax until your jar is filled to your liking. You can alternate colors or create patterns – let your imagination flow!
  1. After the candle has cooled and solidified, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax. This ensures a clean, even burn when you light it.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #6: Terrarium Candles.

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (7)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Containers
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Decorative Sand or Gravel
  5. Miniature Plants (Fake or Real)
  6. Small Decorative Rocks or Pebbles
  7. Miniature Figurines or Decor (Optional)

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Pour a layer of decorative sand or gravel into the bottom of each glass container. This layer serves as the base for your terrarium and adds to its aesthetic appeal.
  1. Now, it’s time to anchor your wick in the center of the container. Secure it in place with a bit of melted wax, ensuring it stands straight.
  1. Melt your candle wax using a double boiler or microwave (follow the wax melting instructions). Add a few drops of essential oil if you want to infuse a fragrance. Carefully pour a small amount of melted wax over the base layer, just enough to cover the sand or gravel. Let it cool and solidify.
  1. Place your miniature plants in the container, arranging them to create a tiny terrarium landscape. You can use real succulents and moss or opt for artificial plants for longevity.
  1. Enhance the terrarium’s charm by adding small decorative rocks, pebbles, and miniature figurines or decor pieces. Let your creativity shine as you design your mini world.
  1. Now, pour more melted wax over the miniature landscape, covering the plants and decor. Ensure the wax level is below the top rim of the container. Let it cool and solidify between each layer.
  1. After your terrarium candle has fully cooled and solidified, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #7: Woodland-Themed Jars

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (8)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars
  2. Craft Paints
  3. Brushes
  4. Natural Elements
  5. Craft Glue or Mod Podge

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Give your glass containers a quick wash and ensure they’re completely dry.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of your glass container. A dab of melted wax at the base will keep it in place. Make sure it stands up straight.
  1. Use a double boiler or microwave (follow the wax melting instructions). If you want a lovely scent, add a few drops of essential oil. Carefully pour a small amount of melted wax into your container, just enough to cover the bottom. Let it cool and harden.
  1. Arrange your miniature plants, figurines, and any other decor inside the container. Get creative and design your tiny terrarium world.
  1. Sprinkle in small decorative stones or gravel to create a visually appealing base for your terrarium. This also helps with drainage if you’re using real plants.
  1. Pour additional layers of melted wax over your miniature landscape, making sure to cover the plants and decor. Let each layer cool and solidify before adding the next.
  1. After your terrarium candle has completely cooled and solidified, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #8: Lavender Jar Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (9)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars or Containers
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Lavender Buds or Essential Oil
  5. Essential Oils (Optional)
  6. Double Boiler or Microwave
  7. Stirring Stick

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Give your glass jars a quick wash and make sure they’re completely dry. Clean containers are essential for a beautiful finished product.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of each jar’s bottom. A small dab of melted wax will keep it in place. Make sure it stands straight and tall.
  1. Use a double boiler or microwave (following the wax melting instructions). If you’re in the mood for some extra relaxation, add a few drops of lavender essential oil to the melting wax.
  1. Carefully pour a small amount of melted wax into each glass container, just enough to cover the bottom. This will secure the wick in place. Let it cool and harden.
  1. Sprinkle dried lavender buds into your containers. These will create a lovely visual and aromatic effect as your candle burns.
  1. Continue pouring melted wax into the containers, making sure to cover the lavender buds. You can alternate layers with additional dried lavender for a stronger scent.
  1. Once your Lavender Jar Candles have cooled and solidified, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a serene spot, light your Lavender Jar Candle, and let the soothing aroma and gentle glow transport you to a state of relaxation.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #9: Vintage Teacup Candles

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Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Vintage Teacups
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Fragrance Oil (Optional)
  5. Essential Oils (Optional)
  6. Double Boiler or Microwave
  7. Stirring Stick

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Give your vintage teacups a good wash and dry them thoroughly. Make sure they’re clean and ready for their new life as candle holders.
  1. Take your candle wicks and attach the metal base to the bottom of each teacup using a dab of hot glue. Center the wick as best as you can.
  1. If you’re using old candles, chop them into small pieces. Otherwise, use candle wax flakes.
  2. In a double boiler or microwave-safe container, melt the wax slowly. If using the microwave, heat in 30-second intervals, stirring in between until it’s completely melted and smooth. Be cautious as hot wax can be dangerous.
  1. If you want your candles to have a lovely scent, now is the time to add a few drops of fragrance oil to the melted wax. Stir it gently to distribute the fragrance evenly.
  1. Once the wax has set, trim the wick to your desired length, leaving about ¼ inch above the candle’s surface.
  1. Find a cozy spot for your charming creations. Light them up, and bask in the warm, vintage glow.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #10: Vintage Teacup Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (11)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars or Containers
  2. Fairy Lights or LED String Lights
  3. Decorative Elements
  4. Glitter (Optional
  5. Craft Supplies

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Give your glass jars a quick wash and ensure they’re dry.
  1. If you like, you can decorate the jar lids with paint, glitter, or any embellishments that strike your fancy.
  2. Start crafting your fairy scene inside the jars. This can include artificial flowers, silk leaves, small figurines, or any decorative elements that transport you to a fairy wonderland. Place these at the bottom of the jars.
  1. For a touch of fairy dust, sprinkle some glitter into your jars. Be as generous or as subtle as you like, depending on your magical preferences.
  1. Now, gently place the fairy lights or LED string lights inside the jars. Arrange them to create a mesmerizing glow. Ensure the battery compartments are accessible so you can easily turn the lights on and off.
  1. To keep the lights in place, you can use a dab of glue to attach the battery pack to the lid or the side of the jar. Be careful not to cover the switch.
  1. In a dimly lit room, turn on your Glowing Fairy Jars and watch the enchantment come to life. These jars will fill your space with a captivating and whimsical glow that’s perfect for dreamy nights or creating a magical atmosphere.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #11: Holiday-Themed Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (12)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars or Containers
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Holiday Decorations
  5. Essential Oils (Optional)
  6. Double Boiler or Microwave
  7. Stirring Stick

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start by giving your glass jars a good wash and making sure they’re completely dry. Clean containers provide a beautiful backdrop for your holiday scenes.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of each jar’s bottom. A tiny dab of melted wax will keep it in place. Make sure it stands straight and tall.
  1. Time to melt your candle wax! Use a double boiler or microwave (follow the wax melting instructions). If you’re feeling extra festive, add a few drops of holiday-scented essential oils to the melting wax.
  2. Arrange your holiday decorations inside the jars to create charming holiday scenes. Place miniature ornaments, pine cones, holly leaves, berries, or any festive items that capture the holiday spirit.
  3. Carefully pour the melted wax into your jars, ensuring it covers your holiday decorations. Be patient; you might need to pour it in layers to prevent items from floating to the surface.
  1. Allow your Holiday-Themed Candles to cool and harden.After your candles have cooled completely, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a cozy spot, light your Holiday-Themed Candles, and let the festive glow fill your home with holiday warmth and cheer.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #12: Herb-Infused Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (13)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars or Containers
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Dried Herbs
  5. Essential Oils (Optional)
  6. Double Boiler or Microwave
  7. Stirring Stick

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Start by giving your glass jars a quick wash and making sure they’re completely dry. Clean containers provide a lovely canvas for your herb-infused creations.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of each jar’s bottom. A small dab of melted wax will hold it in place. Ensure the wick stands straight and tall.
  1. Now, it’s time to melt your candle wax! You can use a double boiler or microwave (following the wax melting instructions). If you’re in the mood for an extra burst of fragrance, add a few drops of essential oil to the melting wax.
  1. Sprinkle your chosen dried herbs into the jars. These herbs will infuse your candles with their delightful scents as they burn. Use as much or as little as you like, depending on your preferred intensity.
  1. Carefully pour the melted wax into your jars, ensuring it covers the dried herbs. Be patient; you might need to pour it in layers to prevent the herbs from floating to the surface.
  1. Allow your Herb-Infused Candles to cool and solidify. After your candles have cooled completely, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a tranquil spot, light your Herb-Infused Candles, and let the calming aroma of herbs fill your home. It’s the perfect way to unwind and create a serene atmosphere.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #13: Crayon-Dyed Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (14)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Candles
  2. Crayons
  3. Glass Jars or Containers
  4. Double Boiler or Microwave
  5. Candle Wicks
  6. Stirring Sticks

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Give your glass jars a quick wash and ensure they’re completely dry. Clean containers provide a beautiful canvas for your colorful creations.
  1. Break your crayons into small pieces. Using a double boiler or microwave, melt the crayon pieces until they become a smooth, liquid consistency. Be sure to handle melted crayons with care as they can get hot.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of each candle. A tiny dab of melted crayon will help hold it in place. Ensure the wick stands straight and tall.
  1. Dip your white candles into the melted crayon wax. You can dip them partially or fully, depending on your desired effect. Experiment with different colors and layering for unique looks.
  1. Place your crayon-dyed candles on a clean surface to cool and harden. This step doesn’t take long, so you can admire your colorful creations in no time.
  1. After your candles have completely cooled, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a spot that needs a burst of color, light your Crayon-Dyed Candles, and enjoy the vibrant glow and artistic flair they bring to your space.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #14: Layered Wax Crystals

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (15)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Candles
  2. Wax Crystals or Wax Pellets
  3. Double Boiler or Microwave
  4. Candle Wicks
  5. Clear Glass Jars or Containers (Optional)
  6. Stirring Sticks

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. If you’re using existing candles, ensure they are clean and free of any debris or dust. If not, you can use new white candles for this project.
  1. Begin melting your wax crystals or pellets. You can use a double boiler or microwave, following the wax melting instructions. Be sure to use different colors to create the layered effect.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of your glass jars or directly onto the white candles if you’re using them. A tiny dab of melted wax will help hold the wick in place.
  1. Pour one color of melted wax into your container or around the base of your candle. Allow it to cool and harden. This is the first layer of your captivating creation.
  1. Repeat the process by pouring additional layers of different colored wax crystals. Allow each layer to cool and harden before adding the next. Feel free to experiment with various color combinations and thicknesses to achieve the desired look.
  1. After your layered wax crystal candles have completely cooled, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a cozy spot, light your Layered Wax Crystal Candles, and enjoy the mesmerizing colors that dance and glow. These candles are sure to become a conversation starter and a source of artistic inspiration in your home.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #15: Gemstone-Inspired Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (16)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Candles
  2. Assorted Colored Wax Crayons:
  3. Wax Paper
  4. Double Boiler or Microwave
  5. Candle Wicks
  6. Scissors:

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. If you’re using existing candles, ensure they’re clean and free of any dust or debris. If not, you can use new white candles for this project.
  1. On a piece of wax paper, draw and color gemstone shapes using the colored wax crayons. Think amethyst crystals, sapphires, or emeralds. Be artistic and have fun with it!
  1. Melt the colored wax crayons using a double boiler or microwave, following the crayon melting instructions. Once melted, carefully cut out your gemstone shapes and attach them to the sides of your white candles. Press them gently but firmly to ensure they adhere.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of each candle, making sure it stands straight and tall.
  1. Trim any excess wax around the gemstone shapes to create a smooth, finished look.
  1. Find a spot that needs a touch of elegance, light your Gemstone-Inspired Candles, and admire the beauty and artistic flair they bring to your space. These candles are sure to spark conversations and admiration.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #16: Citrus Zest Candles

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Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Candles
  2. Citrus Fruits
  3. Zesting Tool or Grater
  4. Double Boiler or Microwave
  5. Candle Wicks
  6. Stirring Sticks

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. If you’re using existing candles, make sure they are clean and free of any dust or debris. If not, new white candles work perfectly for this project.
  1. Use your zesting tool or grater to extract the zest from your fresh citrus fruits. The finer, the better, as this will release more fragrance.
  1. Melt the candle wax using a double boiler or microwave, following the wax melting instructions.
  1. Once your wax is melted, add the citrus zest and stir it into the wax. The zest will infuse the wax with its delightful fragrance. Be generous with the zest to intensify the scent.
  1. Secure a candle wick at the center of each candle, making sure it stands straight and tall.
  1. Carefully pour the wax infused with citrus zest into your candle containers. Be patient; you might need to pour it in layers to evenly distribute the zest.
  1. Allow your Citrus Zest Candles to cool and harden. While they set, take in the fresh and zesty aroma that fills your space.
  1. After your candles have completely cooled, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a spot that could use a burst of citrusy freshness, light your Citrus Zest Candles, and let the invigorating aroma transform your space into a vibrant and refreshing haven.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #17: Floating Flower Petals

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Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Candles
  2. Fresh Flower Petals
  3. Clear Glass Containers
  4. Water
  5. Candle Wicks

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. If your white candles don’t have wicks, you can easily attach them to the center of each candle. Make sure the wicks stand straight.
  1. Fill your clear glass containers with water to about two-thirds full. Gently place a layer of fresh flower petals on the water’s surface. You can use one type of petal or create a colorful mix—it’s your choice!
  1. Place your white candles on top of the flower petals in the glass containers. The petals will gently cradle the candles.
  1. Find a serene spot, light your Floating Flower Petal Candles, and watch as the flickering flames dance above the floating petals. Enjoy the natural elegance and the peaceful ambiance they bring to your space.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #18: Recycled Wine Bottle Candles

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Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Empty Wine Bottles
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Fragrance Oils (Optional)
  5. Double Boiler or Microwave
  6. Thermometer
  7. Wick Holder or Chopsticks

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Thoroughly clean and dry your empty wine bottles. Remove any labels and adhesive residue. You can also use a bottle cutter to trim the top if you prefer open candles.
  1. Attach the candle wicks to the center of each wine bottle’s bottom. Ensure the wick stands straight and secure it with your chosen wick holder or a pair of chopsticks.
  1. Melt the candle wax using a double boiler or microwave, following the wax melting instructions. If you’re using fragrance oils, add them to the melted wax and stir gently to infuse the scent.
  1. Carefully pour the melted wax into the prepared wine bottles. Fill them to your desired level, leaving some space at the top. Be patient; you might need to pour it in layers to prevent air bubbles.
  1. Allow your Recycled Wine Bottle Candles to cool and harden. Once they’ve completely solidified, trim the wicks to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a cozy spot, light your Recycled Wine Bottle Candles, and admire the stylish and eco-friendly ambiance they bring to your space. You’ve successfully given new life to old wine bottles!

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #19: Seashell Candle Jars

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (20)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Glass Jars or Containers
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Seashells
  5. Double Boiler or Microwave
  6. Fragrance Oils (Optional)
  7. Thermometer

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Ensure your glass jars or containers are clean and dry. Place a candle wick at the center of each jar’s bottom, securing it in place.
  1. Arrange the seashells inside the jars in a way that pleases your beach-loving heart. You can create patterns, stack them, or go for a random, beachcomber look.
  1. Melt the candle wax using a double boiler or microwave, following the wax melting instructions. If you want scented candles, add fragrance oils to the melted wax and stir gently to infuse the scent.
  1. Carefully pour the melted wax into your prepared glass jars, filling them to your desired level. Be patient; you might need to pour it in layers to ensure the wax surrounds the seashells.
  1. Allow your Seashell Candle Jars to cool and harden. As they set, admire the beachy charm they exude.
  1. After your candles have completely cooled, trim the wicks to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a cozy spot, light your Seashell Candle Jars, and bask in the tranquil coastal ambiance they bring to your space. You’ve successfully brought the beach indoors!

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #20: Candle Chandeliers

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Materials You’ll Need:

  1. Small Glass or Crystal Vases
  2. Candle Wax
  3. Candle Wicks
  4. Ceiling Hooks or a Chandelier Frame
  5. Decorative Chain or Ribbon
  6. Double Boiler or Microwave
  7. Fragrance Oils (Optional)
  8. Thermometer

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Ensure your glass or crystal containers are clean and dry. Secure a candle wick at the center of the bottom of each container.
  1. Melt the candle wax using a double boiler or microwave, following the wax melting instructions. If you want scented chandeliers, add fragrance oils to the melted wax and stir gently to infuse the scent.
  1. Carefully pour the melted wax into your prepared containers, filling them to your desired level. Allow the wax to cool and harden.
  1. If you’re using ceiling hooks, attach them securely to the ceiling where you want your chandeliers to hang. Ensure they are evenly spaced.
  1. Use decorative chain or ribbon to hang your candle-filled containers from the ceiling hooks or attach them to a chandelier frame. Make sure they hang at different heights for a captivating chandelier effect.
  1. Find a moment to relax, light your Candle Chandeliers, and bask in the elegant ambiance they bring to your space.

Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY #21: Pressed Flower Candles

21Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle JarsDIY You Can Make At Home - (22)

Materials You’ll Need:

  1. White Candles
  2. Dried Pressed Flowers
  3. Wax Paper
  4. Double Boiler or Microwave
  5. Candle Wicks
  6. Tweezers

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. If your white candles don’t have wicks, you can easily attach them to the center of each candle. Make sure the wicks stand straight.
  1. Choose from your collection of dried and pressed flowers. These can be from your own garden or purchased from a craft store. Consider color combinations and compositions that appeal to your artistic sensibilities.
  1. Melt the candle wax using a double boiler or microwave, following the wax melting instructions. Make sure the wax is at the right temperature for pouring.
  1. Lay out your dried and pressed flowers on the wax paper. Use tweezers to delicately pick up each flower and gently press it onto the surface of your candle. Create a design that speaks to you.
  1. Dip the candle, with the pressed flowers attached, into the melted wax. Ensure that the flowers are fully covered and embedded in the wax. Be patient; you might need to dip it a few times for a smooth finish.
  1. Allow your Pressed Flower Candles to cool and the wax to harden. This step will also preserve the flowers beautifully.
  1. After your candles have completely cooled, trim the wick to about half an inch above the wax.
  1. Find a serene spot, light your Pressed Flower Candles, and let the enchanting beauty of nature illuminate your space. You’ve successfully crafted candles that are both artistic and a celebration of the natural world.


We’ve embarked on a creative journey filled with warmth, ambiance, and a touch of DIY magic! These 21 Easy Bendy Candle Jars DIY projects have shown us that crafting candles at home can be both fun and incredibly rewarding. Whether you’re a seasoned candle-making pro or a complete beginner, there’s something for everyone in this delightful collection.

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21 Incredibly Easy Bendy Candle Jars DIY You Can Make At Home - (2024)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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