EVERFI Student Communications Toolkit - [PDF Document] (2024)

EVERFI Student Communications Toolkit

Welcome to the EVERFI Student Communications Toolkit. This resource was

designed to provide communications best practices, strategies, and sample assets

for institutions and organizations using EVERFI courses. Whether launching one

or more EVERFI courses, it is important to promote the courses to not only your

learners but other stakeholders as well. This resource can help you to create or

improve your communication strategy and increase participation.

Before diving into these resources, we recommend finalizing your larger

implementation strategy. The EVERFI Implementation Best Practices Guide

provides strategies to consider.

1. Review this resource with your implementation team in order to discuss who should be involved in creating and implementing the course communication strategy.

2. Follow the steps below to create your communication strategy.

3. Finalize your communication plan for each target population (see Appendix for sample template).

4. Use the sample assets to create your personalized communication tools.

How to use this Toolkit

Student Communications Toolkit

EVERFI Student Communications Toolkit


How to Create a Communication Strategy

Step 1: Define your Goals

Example goals:

» Gaining institutional buy-in around mandated/required training

» Achieving a participation rate of 85%

» Gathering pre- and post-survey data for analysis by [specific date]

Step 2: Identify your Target Audiences (both learners and other stakeholders)

Example learner populations:

» New and returning undergraduate students and organization


» New graduate students and adult learners

» Specific subpopulations (e.g. student athletes, student workers)

Other stakeholder populations:

» Staff and faculty members

» Parents and family members

Step 3: Develop your Message

» What is the problem or issue are you trying to impact?

» Why should the target audience care?

» What action do you want your target audience to take?

Step 4: Select your Communication Channels

Possible channels include: email, social media, school/organization website or portal, print materials, in-course videos, in-person messages shared via staff or student leaders (see below for a complete list)

Step 5: Create your Communication Plan

» Outline a full communication plan, including a timeline (see below

for a sample)

» Identify the appropriate “messenger” for each strategy

» Brainstorm resources needed (e.g. materials, departments/


Step 6: Execute!

Collect necessary materials, connect with school/organization partners as needed, and draft your communication materials. A few tips: get feedback from your target audience, proofread your materials, and follow specific school/organization branding requirements.

EVERFI Student Communications Toolkit


Sample Communication PlanFeatured below is a sample plan that includes both learner-

facing communications as well as strategies for reaching

other stakeholders. In order to institutionalize the course

implementation, it is imperative that groups across your

organization are aware of the program and completion


Click each communication below to view sample assets

and templates. You can access an additional sample

communication plan and a blank template in the Appendix.

Please note that you may have a different strategy and

timeline. We hope that these sample strategies and assets

serve as a starting point for your communication plan.

One Month Prior to Course Launch

Learner Communications Engaging Other Stakeholders

Four Weeks Before Launch

� Letter to students introducing course

� Finalize in-course Welcome Letter

and Video

� Email memorandum to

faculty and staff

� Send information to parents

Three Weeks Before Launch � Announcements and fliers during


� Connect with residence life


Two Weeks Before Launch � Announcement in student portal � Obtain student list from


One Week Before Launch � Student health center posts fliers � Work with student union for

promotion in student centers

Month of Course Launch (and Ongoing as needed)

Day of Launch � Send invitation email to students

� Social media post (weekly)

� Student center


One Week After Launch � Email reminders to students (weekly)

� Faculty remind students in


� Fliers in the residence halls

Two Weeks After Launch � Electronic display board


� Reminder in parent


Three Weeks After Launch � Reminder in student portal � RA floor meeting reminder



� Social media posts to share social

norms data

� Announcement with administration’s

action items (via email and social)

� Debrief report to staff and


� Email to parents outlining

administration’s action items

Learner Communications Engaging Other Stakeholders

Learner Communications Engaging Other Stakeholders

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Email Templates, Best Practices, and Tools

Email Templates

» Introduction Email to Students

» Email Memorandum to Faculty and Staff

» Parent Introduction Letter

» Course Invitation to Students

» Reminder Email to Students

» Post-Implementation Update to Students

» Debrief Email to Faculty and Staff

» Post-Implementation Update to Parents

Email Best Practices

To make the most of your email communications, we recommend the following tips and tricks:

» Keep it brief - only include critical information that conveys your message

» Choose a prominent entity as the “Sender” of the email (e.g. Dean of Students Office, Executive Office) and an

authority figure to sign the email body (e.g. President, Vice President, Dean of Students, Executive Director)

» Choose catchy subject lines that include a call-to-action, such as:

» “Mandatory Student Wellness Education - Complete by August 30, 2018”

» “Help keep your community safe - <Course Name(s)> is available NOW!”

» Feature your call-to-action by making it BOLD and highlighted

» Personalize the email (if possible) with a logo, photo, or video link

» Use bullets where possible instead of thick rich text

» Include a link to a website where students can find further instructions, FAQs, etc.

Email Tools

Lacking a central email resource at your organization to facilitate large email sends? Try an email or automation tool to

aid in the process. See below for a few examples:

» MailChimp

» Zapier

» Google Mail Merge

Click the links below to access sample assets that you can customize for your communication plan.

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Social Media Posts

» Launch Post

» Reminder Post

» Social Norms Post

» Post-Launch Debrief Post

Social Media Best Practices

To make the most of your social media communications, try the following tips and tricks:

» Use the most popular channels that your students engage with: Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, etc.

» If possible, use the main school/organization accounts with the most followers

» If you don’t have direct access to the main account, ask if the administrator can “share” your post (e.g. if you

tweet from the “Title IX Office” account, ask if the “ABC University” account will retweet the message)

» Align your social media post timing with other communications you are sending (for example, post on Facebook

once you send out your introduction email to students)

» Use photos and videos to make the content more engaging

» Ask your EVERFI Customer Success Manager for course logos and images

» Use hashtags and tag other accounts to increase your reach; a few hashtag tips:

» Hashtags should begin with a word or phrase; don’t begin with a number

» Hashtags cannot include spaces or special characters (e.g. #students@EVERFIU will not work)

» Be specific with your hashtags (e.g. instead of #newstudents, use #EVERFIUClassof2021)

» Feature members of your target audience in your communications, as well as other well-known figures at the

school/organization (e.g. school mascot, President)

» Use facts and figures to catch students’ attention (e.g. “On this day in 1930, <School Name> held its first

Homecoming Parade. Don’t forget to finish your EVERFI courses before this week’s game!”)

» Keep the message short and sweet - you can point students to a website to learn more

» Make sure someone is monitoring the accounts to answer any questions that come up

Social Media Tools

Writing, posting, and monitoring content on several different social media platforms can be quite time-consuming.

Luckily, there are several tools that you can use to post to all of your platforms at once, schedule posts, and see which

content is the most effective. HootSuite, Tweetdeck and Google Analytics are a few examples.

Social Media Templates, Best Practices, and Tools

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Website & Portal Messages

» Website Announcement

» Course Website with FAQs

» Introduction Message

» Reminder Message

Print Materials & Other Digital Assets

» Marketing Flyer

» Student Handbook/Orientation Program

» Parent Newsletter Announcement

» Student Union/Center Promotion

In-Course Customizations

» Welcome Letter

» Welcome Video

In-Person Announcements

» Residence Life Team Announcement

» Faculty and Staff Reminder to Students

Additional Templates and Assets

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Email Templates

Dear Student,

You most likely joined the <School/Organization Name> community because you want to better yourself in

some way. At <School/Organization Name>, we are dedicated to setting you up for greater success both as a

student and as a member of the community here and beyond.

As such, <School/Organization Name> has partnered with EVERFI, whose mission is to help students address

critical life skills, such as alcohol abuse prevention, sexual assault prevention, and financial literacy, at higher

education institutions and greek organizations across the country.

<School/Organization Name> expects you to complete the EVERFI course(s) <list COURSE(S)>. This

education, which covers <insert course topics>, will help you to:

» Develop critical skills to make thoughtful and healthy choices outside the classroom

» Reflect on your knowledge, attitudes, and experiences related to these issues

» Support your peers and yourself when faced with tough situations

You will receive access to the course(s) on <DATE>, and the education must be completed by <DATE>. <Add

additional information regarding mandates here>

Thank you for your support in maintaining a safe, supportive community at <School/Organization Name>!


<Executive, School/Organization>

Introduction Email to Students

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Dear Colleagues,

As you may know, <School/Organization Name> has partnered with EVERFI to provide population-level

prevention education courses to our students. This education creates a comprehensive learning experience


» Motivates behavior change

» Resets unrealistic expectations

» Links student choices to academic and personal success

» Helps students practice healthier and safer decision-making

This memo provides an update on our <Course Name(s)> implementation at <School/Organization Name>.

Students will have access to the course(s) on <DATE> and must complete the course(s) by <DATE>.

Students will be taking surveys and assessments throughout the course, which will allow us to collect critical

data on their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. This data will help us better understand and meet the

needs of our students.

We look forward to sharing our progress throughout the implementation as well as our final data report. If

you have any questions about <Course Name(s)>, please feel free to contact me at <Insert preferred contact



<Executive Name>

Email Memorandum to Faculty and Staff

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Dear <School/Organization Name> Parents and Family Members,

Sending your student off to college is never an easy thing to do. Over the course of their college career, your

student will grow and change in large part based on personal interactions and the environment in which they

are living. We recognize that the culture within <School/Organization Name> will have a big impact on your

student’s growth.

We take every part of the <School/Organization Name> experience very seriously, and we have implemented

a comprehensive prevention program to help our students – your students – make the safest, healthiest

decisions possible.

One way we do this is through our partnership with EVERFI, whose mission is to help students address critical

life skills such as alcohol abuse prevention and sexual assault and relationship violence prevention. Built in

collaboration with leading researchers and practitioners, the interactive modules empower students to make

well-informed decisions and create safe, healthy environments.

All <new/returning> students will be required to take <Course Name(s)>. We will be communicating directly

with your student regarding the information and instructions they need to complete this course. To help

ensure that your student meets this requirement, please remind them that all students must complete the

course(s) by <DATE>.

We are confident that <Course Name(s)> will help ensure your student’s success at <School/Organization

Name> and in the future. If you have any questions on the programming that <School/Organization Name>

offers, please feel free to contact <Name, Contact Information>.


<School/Organization Name>

Parent Introduction Letter

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Dear Student,

As you may already know, <School/Organization Name> has partnered with EVERFI to provide critical online

education as part of our comprehensive prevention program for students.

<School/Organization Name> expects you to complete <Course Name(s)> by <DATE>. This online education

will empower you to make well-informed decisions around issues that affect your years at <School/

Organization Name> and beyond.

<If you are requiring the course, this is a good place to state your incentives/punitive measures. Using

terminology noting the course is required/that participants must complete it or face a penalty (e.g., hold on

course registration, fine, etc.) has been found to yield greater participation.>

To get started, login here: <Insert login link and access instructions>.

Other Important Information:

» You will need internet access and audio capabilities.

» To avoid technical issues, please use any major web browser (e.g., Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer) released within the previous two years.

» You may take the course in multiple sittings.

The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure participants’ attitudes and

behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the participant

group as a whole and will never see individual answers.

If you experience technical problems, support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link

within the course.

Thank you, and enjoy the course!


<Executive, School/Organization>

Course Invitation to Students (with Instructions)

Note: The invitation email template will differ depending on which EVERFI program you are utilizing. Your Customer Success Manager will provide additional guidance and resources.

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Dear Student,

You are receiving this email as you have not yet completed <Course Name(s)>. Please note that you are

expected to complete this education by <DATE>.

<If you are requiring the course, this is a good place to remind students of incentives/punitive measures.>

To complete your course, login here: <Insert login link and/or access instructions>.

If you need technical assistance, support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link within

the course. If you have a non-technical question or issue, please contact <Insert school/organization contact


Thank you for your commitment to maintaining a healthy and supportive community!


<School/Organization Name>

Reminder Email to Students

Note: The reminder email template will differ depending on which EVERFI program you are utilizing. Your Customer Success Manager will provide additional guidance and resources.

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Dear Student,

As we shared earlier this year, all new students were asked to complete <Course Name(s)> and all returning

students were asked to complete <Course Name(s)>. This goal of this education was to provide critical

knowledge and skills in order to help students make healthy, informed decisions and play a role in keeping our

community safe.

Through these programs, we also learned about the attitudes and behaviors of students at <School/

Organization Name>:

» <Insert data point #1>

» <Insert data point #2>

As a result of the data collected, <School/Organization Name> recognizes the need for continued

improvement of our policies and programming around these critical issues. Listed below are a few of our key

action items::

» <Insert action item #1>

» <Insert action item #2>

You can view the full report with additional data and action items on our website: <insert link to debrief

report>. We look forward to hearing your feedback and we appreciate your support in creating a safe, healthy



<School/Organization Name>

Post-Implementation Update to Students

Note: We recommend summarizing the data collected and resulting action items (i.e. policy, program changes) in a debrief report and hosting it on the your institution or organization website. You can use your email announcement to highlight key information.

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Dear Colleagues,

As you know, <School/Organization Name> implemented several educational initiatives for our students this

year around critical health and wellness issues. All new students were asked to complete <Course Name(s)>

and all returning students were asked to complete <Course Name(s)>. This goal of this education was to

provide critical knowledge and skills in order to help students make healthy, informed decisions and play a

role in keeping our community safe.

As promised, we are excited to share the results from these programs. Below are some of the key insights we

gathered around the attitudes and behaviors of our students:

» <Insert data point #1>

» <Insert data point #2>

» <Insert data point #3>

As a result of the data collected, <School/Organization Name> recognizes the need for continued

improvement of our policies and programming around these critical issues. Listed below are a few of our key

action items:

» <Insert action item #1>

» <Insert action item #2>

» <Insert action item #3>

You can view the full report with additional data and action items on our website: <insert link to debrief

report>. We look forward to hearing your feedback and we appreciate your support in creating a safe, healthy



<Executive Name>

Debrief Email to Faculty and Staff

Note: We recommend summarizing the data collected and resulting action items (i.e. policy, program changes) in a debrief report and hosting it on the your institution or organization website. You can use your email announcement to highlight key information.

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Dear <School/Organization Name> Parents and Family Members,

As you know, <School/Organization Name> implemented several educational initiatives for our students

this year around critical health and wellness issues. All incoming students were asked to complete <Course

Name(s)> and all returning students were asked to complete <Course Name(s)>. This goal of this education

was to provide critical knowledge and skills in order to help students make healthy, informed decisions and

play a role in keeping our community safe.

Through these programs, we gathered several insights about the attitudes, behaviors, and needs of our


» <Insert data point #1>

» <Insert data point #2>

» <Insert data point #3>

As a result of the data collected, <School/Organization Name> recognizes the need for continued

improvement of our policies and programming around these critical issues. Listed below are a few of our key

action items:

» <Insert action item #1>

» <Insert action item #2>

» <Insert action item #3>

You can view the full report with additional data and action items on our website: <insert link to debrief

report>. If you have any questions about this report, please feel free to contact <Name, Contact

Information>. We look forward to hearing your feedback and we appreciate your continued support.


<Executive Name>

Post-Implementation Update to Parents

Note: We recommend summarizing the data collected and resulting action items (i.e. policy, program changes) in a debrief report and hosting it on the your institution or organization website. You can use your email announcement to highlight key information.

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Social Media Posts

<COURSE> and <COURSE> launch on Monday for all new <students/members> @<School/Organization

Name> - Check out our FAQs here: <insert short URL> #EVERFIU2021

Launch Post - Facebook/Twitter

New @<School/Organization Name> <students/members>: Don’t forget to complete <Course Name(s)> - by

<DATE>. You may receive a registration hold if you miss this deadline! <insert short URL to website with more

information> #TrainingTuesday

See example social media post below from Alpha Sigma Tau:

Reminder Post - Facebook/Twitter

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Hey Class of <YEAR>! Did you know that over <X%> of <School/Organization Name> students don’t drink

alcohol? We’re excited to provide <Course Name(s)> because it’s relevant for ALL students. You can learn

how to help a friend, sign up to help plan alcohol-free events, and explore ways to keep our community safe.


Social Norms Post - Facebook/Twitter

<X%> of <School/Organization Name> students who took <COURSE> this year agreed that clear, verbal, and

sober permission is the best way to make sure a person is okay with sexual activity. Check our site here <insert

link> for more healthy and fun communication tips. #HealthyRelationships

<School/Organization Name> Students - thanks for your participation in <Course Name(s)> this year! We

learned that over <X%> of all students want to get more involved in sexual assault education and prevention.

We’ll be providing more opportunities this semester - check out our debrief report to learn more: <insert link>


Post-Launch Debrief Post - Facebook/Twitter

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Website & Portal Messages

<School/Organization Name> students - <Course Name(s)> will be available starting <DATE>. Check your

email or visit our website here <insert link> for further instructions. Failure to complete your course will result

in <insert mandate/consequence>. Thank you for helping to keep our community healthy and safe!

Website Announcement

Place this announcement on a prominent banner on your school’s/organization’s main website.

Information to Include:

» Who is required to take the course(s)

» Key dates and deadlines

» Mandate information (i.e. what happens if students don’t take the course)

» Minimum system requirements and troubleshooting steps

» Who to reach out to for questions

Course Website with FAQs

Check out this website

from University of Georgia:



EVERFI courses are now open! All assigned courses must be completed by <DATE>. Click here for further

instructions: <insert link>.

Introduction Portal Message

Don’t forget - EVERFI course assignments are due by <DATE>. To log in to your courses, follow the

instructions here: <insert link>.

Reminder Portal Message

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Print Materials & Other Digital AssetsMarketing Flyer

Information to Include:

» Who is required to take the courses

» Key dates and deadlines

» Where to go to learn more

See example below from University of South Carolina - Columbia:

AlcoholEdu & Haven

To Start:Log in to Self Service Carolina and follow the links provided from the AlcoholEdu and Haven webpage to access each respective course.



All new, incoming students under the age of 23 MUST COMPLETE Part 1 and Part 2 of both AlcoholEdu and Haven.

email: [emailprotected] call: (803) 777-3933

• Open July 24th.• Part 1 of each course is due August 24.• Part 2 of each course is due October 24.

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New <Student/Member> Wellness Requirements

As part of our comprehensive prevention program for students, <School/Organization Name> expects all new

<students/members> to complete <Course Name(s)> prior to <DATE/EVENT>. This online education will

empower students to make well-informed decisions around critical health and wellness issues, and provide

them with important policies and resources at <School/Organization Name>.

We have communicated directly with your student regarding the information and instructions they need to

complete this course. To help ensure that your student meets this requirement, please remind them that all

students must complete the course by <DATE>.

Please note that you should have received an email with additional information about the course, its

background, and resources for parents and family members. If you have any questions on the programming

that <School/Organization Name> offers, please feel free to contact <Name, Contact Information>.

Parent Newsletter Announcement

Hey <School Name> students! Don’t forget to complete your required EVERFI courses by <DATE>. Visit our

website for instructions and FAQs - <insert website>.

Student Union/Center Promotion

If possible, use electronic display boards on campus to share highly visible messages.

New <Student/Member> Wellness Requirements

As part of our comprehensive prevention program for students, <School/Organization Name> expects all

new <students/members> to complete <Course Name(s)> prior to <DATE/EVENT>. This online education

will empower you to make well-informed decisions about issues that affect your time with the <School/

Organization Name> community and beyond.

<If you are requiring the course, state your incentives/punitive measures here.>

Students will receive an email with further information about the course as well as invitation to get started.

You can learn more about the program here <insert link>.

Thank you for your support in maintaining a safe, supportive community at <School/Organization Name>!

Student Handbook/Orientation Program

We recommend adding information about required education to any new student/member orientation materials, handbooks, etc.

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In-Course Customizations

Dear Student,

<School/Organization Name> is committed to providing a supportive learning environment and fostering

safe, healthy relationships among our students. As such, the <institution/organization> and members of our

community will not tolerate the offenses of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

This program is intended to help you learn more about these issues as you play an important role in keeping

our community safe.

The deadline for completing this course is <DATE>. If you have any questions about our <institution/

organization> policies, procedures, or support resources related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual

assault, and stalking, please contact <Name, Contact Information>. We hope you enjoy the course, and we

wish you all the best in your time at <School/Organization Name>.


<Executive Name>

Welcome Letter

When writing course Welcome Letters, be sure to utilize positive framing and include specific learning outcomes and reasons why students are being asked to take the course. You can access course descriptions in the administrative portal or through your Customer Success Manager. Below is an example for a sexual assault prevention course.

An introduction video can be a great way to engage with your learners. Below are some suggested items to

include in your video:

» A message from a prominent member of your community

» A welcome to your campus or organization

» Deadlines for the course

» Reminder of the mandate

» Where to seek extra assistance

Check out some sample videos from EVERFI partners:

» Zeta Tau Alpha Sorority Welcome Video featuring their National President

» Emory University Welcome Video takes a fun, creative approach

Welcome Video

Note: This customization is only available in select EVERFI student courses.

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In-Person AnnouncementsEnlist student affairs staff members, residence life staff, student organization leaders, faculty, and/or greek organization chapter leaders to help with communications. We recommend that they share course launch information, deadlines, and reminders in person during classes and meetings, as well as in newsletters or emails.

Below is a list of items to include in the announcement:

» Who is required to take the course(s)

» First year students? Explain to the group that this is a part of the first year experience and that they may have heard about the courses during orientation

» Assigning to upperclassmen? Explain to them that the process may be similar from previous years when they were assigned but the content will vary

» The purpose and importance of the course(s)

» Explain that the education is powered by EVERFI so that the name is familiar to them when they receive the email(s) in their inbox

» Course launch dates and deadlines

» The mandate or consequences for non-completion

» How they will learn about the course and how to log in

» For example: an email (and subsequent reminder emails) will be sent to their .edu email address, which will include login directions and links to the platform

» How to access support for technical questions and where to go for non-technical questions

» All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the participant group as a whole and will never see individual answers

Residence Life Team Announcement/Reminder

For schools/organizations with residence halls, to be communicated during regular hall/floor meetings

Below is a list of items to include in the announcement:

» Who is required to take the course(s)

» The purpose and importance of the course(s)

» Course launch deadlines

» Incentives for completing the course on time (e.g. extra credit)

» The mandate or consequences for non-completion

» How they will receive reminders - will be sent to their .edu email address, which will include login directions and links to the platform

» How to access support for technical questions and where to go for non-technical questions

» All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the participant group as a whole and will never see individual answers

Faculty/Staff Reminders to Students

To be communicated to during first year experience (or similar) courses, if applicable

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Appendix - Sample Communication PlanSee below for Colorado State University’s New Student Communications Plan

Page%1% Updated%%4/18/18%




















































!February%–%April% Choose%CSU%Visit%Day%Program%Q&A%Panel%Representation%

(CSUHN,$R&R&F,$Q&A)%% % % % % %

February%L%August% CSUHN%New%Student%Checklist%link%in%Orientation%&%Transition%Program’s%


% % % % % %

March% RamChat%through%Admissions%Requirements%for%New%Students%CSUHN%


% % % % % %

April%and%November% Discover%CSU%Visit%Day%Programs%Resource%Fair%%(CSUHN,$R&R&F,$Q&A)%

% % % % % %

June,%July% CSUHN%Information/Checklist%and%RamCare%Post%Card%Mailings%%(CSUHN,$R&R&F)%

% % % % % %

May%and%December% CSUHN%Information%and%Requirements%ELmail%(CSUHN,$R&R&F)%

% % % % % %




% % % % % %





% % % % % %

June% CSUHN%Information%in%Parent%and%Family%Transition%Guide%(CSUHN,$R&R&F,$AOD)%

% % % % % %

June% CSUHN%Information%in%Housing%Move%In%Guide%(CSUHN,$R&R&F)%

% % % % % %

June%and%December% CSUHN%Information%Web%Site%Content%Updates%(CSUHN%site,%Orientation%


% % % % % %

MayLJuly% *Graduate%Students%Orientation%–%Electronic%Delivery%(CSUHN,$R&R&F)%

% % % % % %

MayLJuly% Collegian%Orientation%Issue%CSUHN,%Student%Health%Insurance%and%


% % % % % %

JuneLJuly% Ram%Orientation%Student%AOD%Skits%and%Bystander%Program%(AOD)%

% % % % % %

JuneLJuly% CSUHN%Parent%and%Families%Presentation%(includes%overview,%fees%and%



% % % % % %





% % % % % %





% % % % % %




% % % % % %




% % % % % %






% % % % % %

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Date of Communication Course Type/Channel Target Population Message Messenger Resources Needed

Goals for Implementation











Prior to Launch

Appendix – Communication Plan Template

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Date of Communication Course Type/Channel Target Population Message Messenger Resources Needed


Date of Communication Course Type/Channel Target Population Message Messenger Resources Needed


EVERFI is the leading education technology company that provides learners of all ages education for the real world through

innovative and scalable digital learning.


EVERFI Student Communications Toolkit - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.