First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (2024)

NEW YORK — The first seven jurors for Donald Trump'shush money trialwere chosen Tuesday after lawyers grilled members of the jury pool about their social media posts, political views and personal lives to decide whether they can sit in fair judgment of the former president.

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (1)

The panelists who were selected are an information technology worker, an English teacher, an oncology nurse, a sales professional, a software engineer and two lawyers.

Eleven more people still need to be selected before opening statements begin in the Manhattan case accusing the Republican of falsifying business records to cover up a sex scandal during his 2016 campaign.

The trial, which began Monday, puts Trump’s legal problems at the center of his closely contested race against President Joe Biden.It’s the first of Trump’s four criminal casesto go to trial, and it may be the only one to reach a verdict before voters decide in November whether to elect thepresumptive GOP presidential nominee.

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The methodical process unfolding in the Manhattan courtroom highlights the challenge of finding people who can fairly judge the polarizing defendant in the city where he built his real estate empire before being elected president in 2016. Even so, jury selection moved more quickly than expected Tuesday afternoon. It was set to resume Thursday.

On his way out of the courthouse, Trump stopped in the hallway to rail against the case to reporters, accusing the judge of “rushing” the trial.

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (2)

“We are going to continue our fight against this judge,” said Trump, who pushed unsuccessfully to have the judge removed from the case.

During an appearance later Tuesday at a bodega in Harlem, Trump was asked what he thought of the jurors he had seen. He said it was “a little bit early to see. We’ll see what happens.”

His ideal juror? “Anybody that’s fair.”

Over two days, dozens of potential jurors have been excused after saying they could not be impartial or because they had other commitments. Trump's lawyers challenged a handful of people over social media posts, and one person was dismissed over a 2017 post about Trump that said “Lock him up!”

Several would-be jurors told the judge they believed they could decide the case fairly, no matter their feelings about Trump or his policies as president.

The trial, which began Monday, puts Trump’s legal problems at the center of his closely contested race against President Joe Biden.It’s the first of Trump’s four criminal casesto go to trial, and it may be the only one to reach a verdict before voters decide in November whether to elect thepresumptive GOP presidential nominee.

Trump looked on in the courtroom as potential jurors — whose names are known only to prosecutors, Trump and their legal teams — shared details of their lives and impressions of him. The judge admonished Trump at one point after he spoke loudly and gestured while the judge questioned one woman about a social media post.

“I don’t know what he was uttering, but it was audible and he was gesturing. And he was speaking in the direction of the juror,” Judge Juan Merchan said. "I won’t tolerate that. I will not tolerate any jurors being intimidated in this courtroom.”

Prosecutor Joshua Steinglass took Trump's notoriety head-on, telling would-be jurors that attorneys were not looking for people who had been “living under a rock for the past eight years.” They just needed to keep an open mind.

“This case has nothing to do with your personal politics … it’s not a referendum on the Trump presidency or a popularity contest or who you’re going to vote for in November. We don’t care. This case is about whether this man broke the law," he said.

Trump haspleaded not guiltyto34 felony countsof falsifying business records aspart of an alleged effortto keep salacious — and, he says, bogus — stories about his sex life from emerging during his 2016 campaign.

Before entering the courtroom, Trump stopped briefly to address a TV camera in the hallway, repeating his claim that the judge is biased against him and the case is politically motivated.

“This is a trial that should have never been brought,” Trump said. After he went inside, reporters saw him wink at one of the court officers and mouth, “How are you?” while he walked down the aisle. Trump then took his seat at the defense table with his attorneys.

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (3)

With the trialexpectedto last for six weeks or more, multiple jury pool members brought up plans they have for Memorial Day and beyond. One parent was excused Monday because of a child’s wedding in late June. Another person was dismissed Tuesday because of a trip they have planned.

One man was excused after saying he feared his ability to be impartial could be compromised by “unconscious bias” from growing up in Texas and working in finance with people who “intellectually tend to slant Republican.”

“I’m not sure that I can say beyond a reasonable doubt that I can be fair," another potential juror told the judge. “I can try. But I’m not 100% sure I can be fair.” She was also dismissed.

One person chosen to sit on the jury said he found Trump “fascinating,” adding that he “walks into a room and he sets people off one way or another.”

One woman who saidshe disagrees with Trump’s policies — and sometimes finds herself frustrated by him — pledged to be fair and impartial, telling defense lawyer Todd Blanche that she would give her “level-headed best” if she were picked for the jury.

“I didn’t sleep last night thinking about could I do that,” she said.


The Latest | First 7 jurors seated at the end of the second day of Trump’s hush money trial

  • By The Associated Press

After another juror said she would be unable to serve impartially, Trump twisted in his chair, looking in the direction of the box. Through the first few minutes of the day, he appeared generally attentive, jotting down notes and raising sheets of paper to his face as jurors rattled off answers to a lengthy questionnaire.

Trump broke into a grin, nodding his head in an exaggerated manner, when another person said he had read two of the former president's books, “The Art of the Deal” and “How to Get Rich." The man, who said some of his wife's family members are lobbyists for the Republican Party, said he didn't think there was anything that would prevent him from looking at the case fairly.

“I feel that no one’s above the law," he said.

The charges center on $130,000 in payments that Trump’s company made to his then-lawyer, Michael Cohen. He paid that sum on Trump’s behalf to keepp*rn actor Stormy Danielsfrom going public with her claims of a sexual encounter with Trump a decade earlier. Trump has denied the encounter ever happened.

Prosecutors say the payments to Cohen were falsely logged as legal fees. The prosecution has described the money as being part of a scheme to bury damaging stories Trump feared could help his opponent in the 2016 race, particularly as Trump’s reputation was suffering at the time from commentshe made about women.

Trump has acknowledged reimbursing Cohen for the payment and that it was designed to stop Daniels from going public about the alleged encounter. But Trump has previously said it had nothing to do with the campaign.

More than half of the 96 people in the first panel of potential jurors brought into the courtroom Monday were excused after telling the judge they could not be fair and impartial, and several others were dismissed for other reasons that were not disclosed.

In court papers filed Tuesday,prosecutors urged the judge to fine Trump $3,000 over social media posts they say violated a gag order limiting what he can say publicly about witnesses. In the posts, Trump called Cohen and Daniels “two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!”

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (6)

Prosecutors wrote that the judge should admonish Trump to comply with the gag order and warn him that further violations could be punished not only with additional fines but also jail time.

If convicted of falsifying business records, Trump faces up to four years in prison, though there’s no guarantee he will get time behind bars.

Trump’s cases involving allegations of election interference and hoarding classified documents could lead to lengthy prison sentences, but those cases are tied up with appeals or other issues that make it increasingly unlikely they will be decided before the election.

And if Trump wins in November, he could presumably order a new attorney general to dismiss his federal cases.

Read more:


First 7 jurors are chosen for Trump's hush money criminal trial; 11 more still needed


Trump hush money trial: Scenes from Day 2

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (8)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (9)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (10)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (11)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (12)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (13)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (14)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (15)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (16)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (17)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (18)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (19)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (20)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (21)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (22)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (23)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (24)

First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (25)



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First 7 jurors seated for Trump's hush money criminal trial after tough grilling; here’s what’s next (2024)


What is meant by peremptory challenges? ›

: a challenge (as of a juror) made as of right without assigning any cause.

What is the meaning of hush money? ›

Hush money is a term for an arrangement in which one person or party offers another an attractive sum of money or other enticement, in exchange for remaining silent about some illegal, stigmatized, or shameful behavior, action, or other fact about the person or party who has made the offer.

Can a peremptory challenge be denied? ›

If your peremptory challenge is granted, a new judge will be assigned. If your peremptory challenge is denied, the judge will remain on your case.

Why would a lawyer call for a peremptory challenge? ›

The purpose of a peremptory challenge is to eliminate jurors with high risks of bias. Since each side in a trial has the use of peremptory challenges, the outcome of this practice should be fair.

What's another name for hush money? ›

Synonyms: kickbacks, baksheesh(tips), payola, hush money, sweetener, protection money, boodle, and gratuity. The first con artist offers a sizable sum of hush money, and the victim pitches in.

What does brown money mean? ›

Brown money is that money that we have become accustomed to, such as tourism and international business that has been already circulated by those industries. Green money is new money that circulates from a new commodity or industry as a foreign exchange that does not exist at present.

What does the slang word hush mean? ›

interjection. (used as a command to be silent or quiet.)

What is a peremptory challenge in Quizlet? ›

peremptory challenge. allows any party to remove a prospective juror from the jury panel without giving a reason. challenge for cause. ability to exclude a prospective trial juror if bias or prejudice is indicated.

What does peremptory mean in law? ›

Peremptory means final and absolute, without needing any underlying justification. For example, English law, in the Arbitration Act section 41(5), allows tribunals to summarily issue “peremptory orders,” without elaboration, to compel non-complying parties to comply with a binding arbitration result.

What is an example sentence for peremptory challenge? ›

Example Sentences

It was no longer possible to ignore the peremptory challenge, and the speaker was forced into the open. Van Bibber smiled and shrugged his shoulders in some embarrassment at this peremptory challenge. They are met here with a peremptory challenge and declaration.

What is a synonym for peremptory challenges? ›

Some common synonyms of peremptory are domineering, imperative, imperious, and masterful. While all these words mean "tending to impose one's will on others," peremptory implies an abrupt dictatorial manner coupled with an unwillingness to brook disobedience or dissent. given a peremptory dismissal.


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