Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (2024)

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If you are looking for a unique granny square motif to use in your next project, you don’t want to miss this crochet flower granny square. It looks lovely in a solid color or worked with different colors.

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (1)

You can use this gorgeous square anywhere you’d use a traditional granny square. Keep reading for the online version of the free pattern or purchase the printable PDF version.

About the Crochet Fountain Flower Granny Square

This beautiful pattern was based on thecrochet happy flower patternwhich I just love. The happy flowers are a 6 petal flower so to make a square, I increased the number of petals to 8 in order to make the flower center of the square with the beautiful flower motif.

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Just like most granny squares, the flower granny squares work in joined rounds starting from the center. The entire square is only six rounds and measure approximately 4.5″ by 4.5″.

Skill Level

The pattern is marked as an intermediate skill level since it requires stitches and stitch placements that aren’t just basic stitches at a beginner/easy level. Once you’ve made a square or two, it isn’t hard and the squares work up quickly.

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (2)


The square start with half double crochets worked in a magic circle. You’ll then work a round of puff stitches and chain stitches. The next round works around those chain stitches to give you the outside part of the flower petals. The rest of the rounds use either double crochet stitches or single crochet stitches.

The stitches are basic, but the pattern is rated at an intermediate skill level since it isn’t a beginner pattern and is just a bit above an easy pattern. Once you’ve done a few squares, they will be easy and you’ll fly through them.

Related: Grandview Granny Square

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (3)


For the main sample, the solid color squares, I used Premier Anti-Pilling Everyday Yarn. It’s an easy yarn to work with that looks great in all sorts of different projects including crochet squares.

Unfortunately the beautiful terracotta color I used (called Terracotta Heather) has been discontinued, but Premier Anti-Pilling yarn in Rust is a similar color just without the slightly heathered look.

If you decide to order directly from Premier Yarns, be sure to sign up for their reward program where you’ll get a coupon and reward points and I’ll get reward points.

While I used a worsted weight acrylic yarn for these sample squares, I’ve also used worsted weight cotton yarn and the squares turned out so pretty. The first design I’ll release using these squares uses cotton yarn in different color combinations. I am so excited for you to see it!

Yarn Substitution Ideas

Heartland Yarn by Lion Brand
Brava Worsted by Knit Picks
Color Theory By Lion Brand
Basic Stitch Anti-Pilling By Lion Brand

Where Can I Use Crochet Flower Granny Squares?

You might be wondering what to do with the crochet granny squares. You can use them in pretty much any crochet projects where you’d use a classic granny square.

Soon, I’ll be releasing some designs that feature these flower squares. They’d look great in crochet blankets, granny square bags, scarves, table runners and more. I am sure you will find creative ways to use these squares.

Save the Fountain Flower Square on Pinterest!

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (4)

Fountain Flower Free Crochet Granny Square Pattern

Purchase the ad-free PDF version:

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (5)

Skill Level: Intermediate

Gauge: Gauge is not critical

Finished Size: 4.5” by 4.5”


US size I/9, 5.5 mm crochet hook

Premier Anti-Pilling Everyday yarn (category 4, worsted weight yarn)

  • Approx. 0.38 ounces/ square

Large Eye Yarn Needle



hdc: half double crochet
beg: beginning
sl st: slip stitch
sc: single crochet
puff:puff stitch (see special stitches)
dc:double crochet
sp(s): space(s)


Brackets [ ] are used to indicate the instructions within the brackets will be repeated the specified number of times.

The ch 1 at the beginning of a round does not count as a stitch. The ch 2 that starts rounds 4 and 6 does count as a stitch.

Special Stitches

puff stitch: [yo, pull up a loop] 3 times (7 loops on the hooks), yo, pull through all 7 loops on the hook. (Used for all puff stitches after Round 1.)

Written Pattern Instructions

Begin with a Magic Circle

Round 1: Ch 1, (does not count as a st here and throughout), 8 hdc in magic circle, tighten to close, join with a sl st to beg hdc. (8 hdc)

Round 2: Ch 1, [puff, ch 3 puff, ch 1] in each st around. (16 puff sts, 8 ch-3 sp, 8 ch-1 sp).

Round 3: [Sl st to ch-3 sp, 3 sc in ch-3 sp, sl st in ch-1 sp between next 2 puff sts] 8 times (24 sc)

For the next round you will be working all stitches in the ch-1 sps between 2 puff stitches made in Round 2. You will work over the sl sts made in Round 3.

Round 4: Ch 2 (counts as a st here and throughout), (dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in same sp (between puff sts), [ch 2, skip 3 sc, dc in ch-1 sp between puff sts, ch 2, skip 3 sc (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next ch-1 sp] 3 times, ch 2, skip 3 sc, dc in ch-1 sp between puff sts, ch 2, skip 3 sc, join with a sl st to beg ch 2 (20 dc, 4 ch-3 sps)

Round 5: Ch 1, [sc in next 2 sts, 3 sc in ch-3 sp, sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, sc in dc, 2 sc in ch-2 sp] 4 times, join with a sl st to beg sc (48 sc)

Round 6: ch 2, dc in next 2 sts, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next st, [dc in next 11 sts, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next st] 3 times, dc in next 8 sts, join with a sl st to beg ch 2 (52 dc)

Fasten off and weave in ends.

Photo Tutorial

Make a Magic Circle

Round 1: Ch 1, 8 hdc in magic circle, tighten to close, join with a sl st to beg hdc. (8 hdc)

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (6)

Round 2: Ch 1, [puff, ch 3 puff, ch 1] in each st around. (16 puff sts, 8 ch-3 sp, 8 ch-1 sp).

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (7)

Round 2 Completed: (16 puff sts, 8 ch-3 sp, 8 ch-1 sp).

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (8)

Round 3: [Sl st to ch-3 sp,

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (9)

3 sc in ch-3 sp,

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (10)

sl st in ch-1 sp between the next 2 puff sts] 8 times. (24 sc)

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (11)

Round 3 Completed: 24 sc

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (12)

For the next round you will be working all stitches in the ch-1 sps between 2 puff stitches made in Round 2. You will work over the sl sts made in Round 3.

Round 4: Ch 2 (counts as a st here and throughout), (dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in same sp (between puff sts),

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (13)

[ch 2, skip 3 sc, dc in ch-1 sp between puff sts,

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (14)

ch 2, skip 3 sc (2 dc, ch 3, 2 dc) in next ch-1 sp] 3 times,

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (15)

ch 2, skip 3 sc, dc in ch-1 sp between puff sts, ch 2, skip 3 sc, join with a sl st to beg ch 2 (20 dc, 4 ch-3 sps)

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (16)

Round 4 Completed: 20 dc

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (17)

Round 5: Ch 1, [sc in next 2 sts, 3 sc in ch-3 sp,

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (18)

sc in next 2 sts, 2 sc in ch-2 sp, sc in dc, 2 sc in ch-2 sp] 4 times, join with a sl st to beg sc (48 sc)

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (19)

Round 5 Completed: 48 scs

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (20)

Round 6: ch 2, dc in next 2 sts, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next st, [dc in next 11 sts, (dc, ch 1, dc) in next st] 3 times, dc in next 8 sts, join with a sl st to beg ch 2 (52 dc)

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (21)

Round 6 Completed: 52 dc

Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (22)

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Fountain Flower Crochet Granny Square Pattern Free (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

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Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.