George Garrett papers (2024)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 1

    "Again: The Impact of From Here to Eternity," Two different typescript versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version titled "From Here to Eternity.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 January 31
  • Mixed Materials [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 2

    "Anarchy and Family in the Southern Tradition" in "Chronicles A Magazine of American Culture" Typescript, 7 pages, and Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1991 March
  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 3

    "Another Separate Peace," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 4

    "Armies of Occupation" Manuscript, 39 pages with notes, and a second manuscript draft with leftover pages

    1 folder(s)

    2008 January 17
  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 5

    "Best New Poets 2005 - 50 Poems from Emerging Writers" edited by George Garrett, Typescript, Various Pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 6

    "Best New Poets 2005 - 50 Poems from Emerging Writers" edited by George Garrett, Bound Uncorrected Proof

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 7

    "The Best Way Home: Fact and Fiction in Shelby Foote's Shiloh and Mary Lee Settle's All the Brave Promises" in "The Sewanee Review," Typescript, 22 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of "The Best Way Home: Fact and Fiction in Shelby Foote's Shiloh and Mary Lee Settle's All the Brave Promises" titled "Best Way Home.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 7
  • Text [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 8

    "The Best Way Home: Fact and Fiction in Shiloh and All the Brave Promises" in The Sewanee Review, Tear sheet copies

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 9

    "Big Sleep" in "64 Magazine" excerpted from "Ride on a Magic Carpet", copy

    1 folder(s)

    2001 July-August
  • Text [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 10

    "Blood Month in England" An Excerpt from "Entered from the Sun" in "University of Virginia Alumni News", print copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 11

    "Boiled Grass and the Broth of Shoes: Some Academic Anecdotes," 2 Typescript copies, with changes and corrections, 62 pages, published in "English as a Discipline or, Is There A Plot in This Play?"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 12

    "Boiled Grass and the Broth of Shoes: Some Academic Anecdotes," 3 Typescript copies, one with 26 pages, one with 61 pages, one with 62 pages with changes

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 13

    "Boiled Grass and the Broth of Shoes: Adventures in the Academic Life," Typescript, with Manuscript Note about the Piece, with changes and corrections, 62 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866522] box: 22 folder: 14

    "Boiled Grass and the Broth of Shoes: Adventures in the Academic Life," Typescript Copy, 59 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 1

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – A

    1 folder(s)

    1999-2004, undated

    Scope and Contents

    These include: "Adventures of the Artificial Woman" by Thomas Berger; "[American Psycho]" by Bret Easton Ellis; "Angelica's Grotto" by Russell Hoban; "At End of Day" by George V. Higgins; and "Average American Boy" by Jerry Hammond.

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of "At End of Day" by George V. Higgins titled "At the End of Day.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 1
  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 2

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – B

    1 folder(s)

    1995?-2004, undated

    Scope and Contents

    These include: "The Battle for Christmas" by Stephen Nissenbaum; "Bad Behavior" by Mary Gaitskill; "Best New American Voices 2001"; "Big Chief Elizabeth: the Adventures and Fates of the First English Colonists in America" by Giles Milton; "Bird Song" by Sebastian Faulks; "Bound to Please: Essays on Great Writers and Their Books" by Michael Dirda; and "Byrne: A Novel" by Anthony Burgess

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic versions of "Bound to Please: Essays on Great Writers and Their Books" titled "Bound to Please.wps," and "Byrne: A Novel" titled "Byrne, A Novel.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 2
  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 3

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – C-D

    1 folder(s)

    1991?-2007, undated

    Scope and Contents

    These include: "Cambridge" by Caryl Phillips; "Canaan" by Donald McCaig and "Tehano" by Allen Wier; "Cleopatra's Nose" by Daniel J. Boorstin; "Cloudsplitter" by Russell Banks; "Collected Stories of Wallace Stegner"; a variety of books about Columbus; "A Consuming Fire: The Fall of the Confederacy in the Mind of the White Christian South" by Eugene D. Genovese; "Damage Them All You Can: Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia" by George Walsh; and "A Dead Man in Deptford" by Anthony Burgess

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of review of "A Dead Man in Deptford" entitled "Exploring the Mysteries of a Poetic Elizabethan.wps," "Cloudsplitter" entitled "Cloudspitter.wps," and "Damage Them All You Can: Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia" entitled "Lee's Men in Gray and Glory.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 1
  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 4

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – E-G

    1 folder(s)

    1989-2005, undated

    Scope and Contents

    "Book Reviews includes those for Echoes: "Poems Left Behind, Poems of Love and Marriage", and "Ciardi Himself: Fifteen Essays" all by John Ciardi; "The Emperor's General" by James Webb; "Ex-Friends: Falling Out With Allen Ginsberg, Lionel and Diana Trilling, Lillian Hellman, Hannah Arendt, and Norman Mailer" by Norman Podhoretz; "Fables of the Irish Intelligentsia" by Nina Fitzpatrick; "The Fabulous History of the Dismal Swamp Company: A Story of George Washington's Times" by Charles Royster; "Ghost and Flesh, Water and Dust" by William Goyen; Ginsberg at Evergreen: An Extended Interview" by Leo Daugherty; "The Golden Rope" by Susan Fromberg Schaeffer; "The Goldin Boys: Stories" by Joseph Epstein; "Goldwyn: A Biography" by A. Scott Berg; and "Green Stars" by Charlotte Matthews.

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic versions of "Echoes: Poems Left Behind," "Poems of Love and Marriage," "Ciardi Himself: Fifteen Essays," "The Emperor's General," "Ex-Friends: Falling Out With Allen Ginsberg, Lionel and Diana Trilling, Lillian Hellman, Hannah Arendt, and Norman Mailer" titled "Ciardi.wps," "The Emperor's General.wps," and "Ex-Friends.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 5

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – H

    1 folder(s)

    2003-2004, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Book reviews include: "Henry and Clara" by Thomas Mallon; "Hocus Pocus" by Kurt Vonnegut; "The History and Adventures of the Renowned Don Quixote" by Miguel de Cervantes; and "The History of Southern Women's Literature" edited by Carolyn Perry and Mary Louise Weaks.

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of "Henry and Clara" entitled "A Vision of Our Past, Henry and Clara.wps," "Hocus Pocus" titled "Hocus Pocus.wps" and "Hocus Pocus.BPS," and "The History of Southern Women's Literature" titled "Literary Ladies of Dixie.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 1
  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 6

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – I-K

    1 folder(s)

    1989-2000, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Reviews include "If They Move…Kill 'Em! The Life and Times of Sam Peckinpah" by David Weddle; "In Montaigne's Tower: Essays" by Hilary Masters; "The Invisible Enemy: Alcoholism and the Modern Short Story" edited by Miriam Dow and Jennifer Regan; and "Key West Tales" by John Hersey.

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of "If They Move…Kill 'Em! The Life and Times of Sam Peckinpah" titled "Wild Sam.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 7

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – L-M

    1 folder(s)

    1994-2008, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Book Reviews include "Learning to Fly: A Writer's Memoir by Mary Lee Settle" edited by Anne Hobson Freeman; "The Lighthouse Keeper: Essays on the Poetry of Eleanor Ross Taylor "; "Like a Fiery Elephant: The Story of B.S. Johnson" by Jonathan Coe; "Little Kingdoms" by Steven Millhauser; "Living After Midnight: A Novella and Stories" by Lee K. Abbott; "Looking for Fred Schmidt" by Seymour Epstein; "Marx Deceased" by Carl Djerassi; and "Morality Play" by Barry Unsworth

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of Little Kingdoms entitled "Condition.wps" and Morality Play entitled "Morality Play.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 8

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – Miscellaneous

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866523] box: 23 folder: 9

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – N-P

    1 folder(s)

    1995-2003, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Book reviews include "Nashville 1864: The Dying of the Light" by Madison Jones; "On the Origins of War and the Preservation of Peace" by Donald Kagan; "Owen Wister Out West: His Journals and Letters" edited by Fanny Kemble Wister; " Peter Taylor : A Writer's Life" by Hubert H. McAlexander; "The Physician of London" by Stephanie Cowell; "The Portable Shakespeare"; "The Princeton Anthology of Writing: Favorite Pieces by the Ferris/McGraw Writers at Princeton University" edited by John McPhee and Carol Rigolo.

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic versions of "Owen Wister Out West: His Journals and Letters" titled "Owen Wister Out West.wps," "The Physician of London" titled "The Physician of London.wps" and "Historical "Fiction in the Best Sense of the Word, The Physician of London.wps," and "The Portable Shakespeare" titled "The Portable Shakespeare.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 1

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – R-S

    1 folder(s)

    1990-2008, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Book reviews include "Rabbit at Rest" by John Updike; "The Red King's Rebellion" by Russell Bourne; "Rollerball?" by William Harrison; "Sailor Song" by Ken Kesey; "The School of Night: A Novel" by Alan Wall; "Shakespeare and Co." by Stanley Wells and another review of three other books about Shakespeare titled "Rising from the Dead"; "Sir John Hawkins Queen Elizabeth's Slave Trader" by Harry Kelsey; "Spending the Light" by Tom Smith; "Stations of the Air: Thirty-Three Poems" by John Ciardi; "Stories from the Transatlantic Review" by Joseph F. McCrindle.

  • Floppy_disks [X030171601] Digital_container: 0638.009

    Electronic version of review of "Shakespeare & Co." by Stanley Wells entitled "Shakespeare & Co"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2007 June 26
  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 2

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – T-V

    1 folder(s)

    1984-2007, undated

    Scope and Contents

    ""Talking Back to Emily Dickinson and Other Essays" by William H. Pritchard; "The Tenants of Time" by Thomas Flanagan; "Time at War" by Nicholas Mosley; "To A Distant Land" by James McConkey; "Toussaint Louverture: A Biography" by Madison Smartt Bell; "The True History of the Kelly Gang" by Peter Carey; "The 23rd Dream" by Kathy Whitsitt; "25 and Under/Fiction" edited by Susan Ketchin and Neil Giordano; "Unto the Sons" by Gay Talese; "Various Antidotes: Stories" by Joanna Scott; and A Visitation of Spirits" by Randall Kenan.

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic versions of The True History of the Kelly Gang titled " Peter Carey.wps" and Talking Back to Emily Dickinson and Other Essays titled "Talking Back.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 3

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – Untitled

    1 folder(s)

    1997, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 4

    Book Reviews written by George Garrett – W-Z

    1 folder(s)

    1988-2002, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Book reviews include "War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of Continents 1450-2000" by Jeremy Black; "A Way of Happening: Observations of Contemporary Poetry" by Fred Chappell; "The White Rooster" by Robert Bausch; "Winter Run" by Robert Ashcom; "Wolfe in Wolfe's Clothing," a review of two books concerning Thomas Wolfe, both edited by Matthew J. Bruccoli; "The World of Christopher Marlowe" by David Riggs; and "The Year of Silence" by Madison Smartt Bell

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of The World of Christopher Marlowe titled "The World of Christopher Marlowe.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 5

    Book Review written by George Garrett- "Appalachian Poets"

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version titled "Appalachian poets.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 1
  • Text [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 6

    Book Review written by George Garrett - "The Big Ballad Jamboree" in "The New York Times Book Review" (print copy)

    1 folder(s)

    1996 May 12
  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 7

    Book Review written by George Garrett - "Eneas Africanus"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 8

    Book Review written by George Garrett- "Fighting Words" in "Washington Post Book World"

    1 folder(s)

    2004 July 4
  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version titled "Fighting Words.wps"

    1 folder(s)

    2005 January 31
  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 9

    Book Review written by George Garrett- "The Historical Novel Today: Two Instances" published in "The Sewanee Review"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 10

    Book Review written by George Garrett- "James Dickey: The World as a Lie" by Henry Hart

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 11

    Book Review written by George Garrett- James Dickey, Books concerning the career of

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930527] Digital_container: 1737.001

    Electronic draft of letter to an editor regarding reviews of James Dickey: The World as a Lie, Crux: The Letters of James Dickey, The James Dickey Reader entitled "DICKEY"

    1 folder(s)

    1999 December 26
  • Manuscripts [X030866524] box: 24 folder: 12

    Book Review written by George Garrett- "Updike's Children: A Review of In the Beauty of the Lilies"

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 1

    "Bread from Stones" in "Virginia Quarterly Review", "A Wreath for Garibaldi and Other Stories," etc., print copies

    1 folder(s)

    1969, undated
  • Text [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 2

    "Buzzards and Dodos: George Core (Editor of the "Sewanee Review") talks with George Garrett About the Quarterlies" in "Chronicles", print copy

    1 folder(s)

    1991 March
  • Mixed Materials [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 3

    "Carolina Taleblazing" concerning "The Hinterlands" book review published in "Book World," print and typescript versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 4

    "The Character of Saints" Commentary by George Garrett concerning "The Son of Laughter" by Frederick Buechner

    1 folder(s)

    1993 April
  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version of "The Character of Saints" entitled "Character.wps" on disk 1634.000

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 2
  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 5

    "Child Among Ancestors Memories and Recollections"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 6

    "Come Now, Caedmon's Angel" Early Manuscript Drafts and Typescript Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 7

    "Comic Strip" Typescript, published in Narrative Design (1997), originally published in "King of the Mountain" (1957)

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 8

    "The Contract" Typescript, 12 pages, for the Charlottesville VWC Anthology

    1 folder(s)

    2006 September
  • Mixed Materials [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 9

    "Courting the Virgin Queen" in "New York Times Magazine," notes and print version

    1 folder(s)

    1991 May 19
  • Mixed Materials [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 10

    "Cowboys and Indians: A Few Notions About Creative Writing" in "Going to See the Elephant and Chronicles," Typescript Copy and Print

    1 folder(s)

    2002 May
  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 11

    "Cozzen's Michael Scarlett" Typescript

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 12

    "The Crossover Beard" Notes, Changes and Revisions, Front Matter

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 13

    "The Crossover Beard Notes for Yet Another Hollywood Novel" Manuscript Notes and Drafts

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 14

    "The Crossover Beard Notes for Another Hollywood Novel" – Typescript and Manuscript Earlier Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 15

    "The Crossover Beard Notes and Queries for a Hollywood Novel" – Typescript and Manuscript Pages, Revised up to page 103

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 16

    "The Crossover Beard Notes for a Hollywood Novel" – Typescript Part I and Beginning of Part II "Godfather"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 17

    "Crossover Beard Notes for a Hollywood Novel" Manuscript and Typescript, Two Parts, I, "The True Story of Frankenstein's Meets the Space Monster" and II, "Godfather," 80 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 18

    "The Crossover Beard The Inside Story of Frankenstein's Meets the Space Monster" Manuscript, 71 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2003 December 1
  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 19

    "[The Crossover Beard?] The Inside Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster" Typescript Version, 45 pages, with two pages of manuscript, 45A and 45B

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866525] box: 25 folder: 20

    "The Crossover Beard the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster" Typescript and Manuscript, with many changes and corrections

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 1

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" – 3 Various Typescript Versions, 17 pages, 37 pages, 16 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 2

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" – 2 Typescripts, 69 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 3

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" in "Virginia Quarterly Review," Manuscript and Typescript, 48 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2004 May 5
  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 4

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" in "Virginia Quarterly Review," Typescript Revised Version, 46 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2004 May 11
  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 5

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" in Virginia Quarterly Review, Typescript Revised Version, 46 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2004 May 18
  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 6

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" in Virginia Quarterly Review, Typescript and Manuscript, Parts I & II Revised

    1 folder(s)

    2005 September 1
  • Text [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 7

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" in "Virginia Quarterly Review," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    2005 Winter
  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 8

    "The Crossover Beard or the True Story of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster (Among Other Things)" Front Matter and Additions

    1 folder(s)

    2006 April 3
  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 9

    "Crow" an unpublished novel about Robert Greene, sometimes also with the title "Green Springs the Tree," Manuscript Version, Chapters 1-5

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 10

    "Crow" an unpublished novel about Robert Greene, sometimes also with the title "Green Springs the Tree," Two Typescript Copies, 33 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030171593] Digital_container: 0638.001 Floppy_disks [X030171595] Digital_container: 0638.003

    Electronic versions of a typescript of "Crow" entitled "Crow.wps" (disk 0638.001) and "Greene.wps" and "Greene – Title Page.wps" (disk 0638.003

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2007 August
  • Floppy_disks [X030171594] Digital_container: 0638.002

    Electronic document containing quotes about Robert Greene entitled "Separate Pieces – Crow.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2007 August 19
  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 11

    "Crow" an unpublished novel about Robert Greene, sometimes also with the title "Green Springs the Tree," Typescript Version with changes and corrections, 33 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866526] box: 26 folder: 12

    "Crow" an unpublished novel about Robert Greene, sometimes also with the title "Green Springs the Tree," Chapter 6, Manuscript Version, pages 1 through 76, and Typescript Version, pages 24-33

    1 folder(s)

    2007 August 16?
  • Mixed Materials [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 1

    "A Day of Remembrance" in Style Weekly – Typescript and Print copies

    1 folder(s)

    2003 May 21
  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 2

    "A Day's Fair Work: Observations on the Poetry of Fred Chappell" Manuscript and Typescript copies

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 3

    "A Day's Fair Work: Observations on the Poetry of Fred Chappell" in "Going to See the Elephant," Manuscript Copy, 79 pages, with instructions for the typist

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 4

    "Death of Regional Writing" Revised Typescript, one copy with changes and corrections

    1 folder(s)

    2001 October 23
  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 5

    "Divine Wind" Typescripts, with notes

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 6

    "Dixie Dreamland" Typescript, 13 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 7

    "Don't Make Waves: A Report from Hollywood in the 1960's" published in "Man and the Movies," Typescript, 42 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 8

    "Double Vision: An Excerpt" in "James Dickey Newsletter," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 9

    "Eddie" published as "A Story Goes With It" Typescript and Manuscript Pages

    1 folder(s)

    2002 May?
  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 10

    Elizabethan Trilogy – Some Notes and Early Manuscript Draft Pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 11

    Elizabethan Trilogy – Dust Jacket Proofs

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 12

    "Empty Bed Blues" Short Story Manuscript

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 13

    "Empty Bed Blues" - Print copies, published by the online journal "Blackbird"

    1 folder(s)

    2002 Spring
  • Mixed Materials [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 14

    "Enchanted Ground" Play Transcript Copy, 87 pages, and a program for its performance at the Coastal Ridge Elementary School on August 18, 1993

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 15

    "Enter Three Witches: My Summer Reading Binge" in "The Hollins Critic," October 2002, Typescript, Manuscript and Print copies, and manuscript notes for the piece

    1 folder(s)

    2002 March?
  • Mixed Materials [X030866527] box: 27 folder: 16

    "Epistle to the Phillistones, or, a Letter to New Students at UVA" in "The Observer" Printed Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1989 Fall
  • Manuscripts [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 1

    "The Face in the Mirror: Are the 60s Coming Again?" Typescripts, 2 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version entitled "Face.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 February 1
  • Mixed Materials [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 2

    "Facing the Big Sleep" in "64 Magazine," which became Chapter 1 of "Double Vision," Typescript and Print Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 3

    "The Fair"

    1 folder(s)

    2001 July?
  • Manuscripts [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 4

    "Feeling Good, Feeling Fine" published in "Meridian" (1999) and "The Cry of an Occasion," Two Manuscript Drafts, one labeled "an early draft"

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 5

    "A Few Things About Fred Chappell" in "The Mississippi Quarterly," Offprint

    1 folder(s)

    1983-1984 Winter
  • Text [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 6

    "Fire and Freshness: A Matter of Style in The Great Gatsby" in "New Essays on the Great Gatsby," Page Proof; also in the "Dictionary of Literary Biography," Volume 219

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 7

    "First Words" entry by George Garrett, including "Our River Trips" and "Escapes"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 8

    "Forest of the Night: A Declaration of Independence" in "Southern Excursions and Madison Jones' Garden of Innocence," Manuscript and Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 9

    "Forest of the Night: A Declaration of Independence" in "Archipelago"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 10

    Forewords written by George Garrett

    1 folder(s)

    1972-2005, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 11

    Foreword written by George Garrett for "The Last Romantic: A Poet Among Publishers the Oral Autobiography of John Hall Wheelock," Manuscript and Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 12-15

    "Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster," Copies, 4 folders

    4 folder(s)


    Existence and Location of Originals

    The Original of "Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster" is at Duke University – no copying or transcription.

    Scope and Contents

    These include copies of the Treatment and Notes; A Screenplay Treatment, Copy, 25 pages; Draft of Screenplay Typescript, Copy, 131 pages; and Second Draft of Screenplay Typescriptm Copy, 121 pages.

    Conditions Governing Use

    The original is at Duke University and no copying or transcription is permitted.

  • Manuscripts [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 16

    "The Future of Creative Writing Programs," Chapter 3 from "Creative Writing in America: Theory and Pedagogy," Typescripts

    1 folder(s)

    circa 1988-1989
  • Manuscripts [X030866528] box: 28 folder: 17

    "Future of Literary Magazines" Manuscript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 1

    "A Game of Holy Trinity," Manuscript, 35 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 2-4

    "Garden Spot, U.S.A. A Play in Two Acts" Final Script, Final Typescript Copy, 146 pages, 3 copies, one previously in a binder

    3 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 5

    "Garth Newell" published in "Style"?

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 6-9

    "Gator Bait," Two Manuscript Versions and Two Typescript Versions, 4 folders

    4 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    "This short story includes a Manuscript Version, 59 pages, with additional pages for a possible lead-in to the story (December 7, 2003); Manuscript "B Version," one with typescript pages interspersed and another with only typescript pages (December 22, 2003); Four Typescript Copies, one submitted to Witness", and one without the first section numbered "1" (circa 2003); and a Reading Version Typescript, with changes and corrections in red and black marker (circa 2003).

  • Mixed Materials [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 10

    "Gator Bait" published by "Blackbird", an online journal of literature and the arts

    1 folder(s)

    2004 Spring
  • Manuscripts [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 11

    "Ghost at my Window A Salute to Walter Sullivan" Manuscript and Typescript Versions, one labeled a "First Draft"

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks Digital_container: 0638.005

    Electronic version of "Ghost at my Window A Salute to Walter Sullivan" entitled "Ghost at My Window – Title Page.wps" and "Ghost at My Window.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2007 July 1
  • Manuscripts [X030866529] box: 29 folder: 12

    "Ghosts" Manuscript Version, 62 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2002 May ?
  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 1

    "The Gift," Typescript Copy, 13 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 2

    "The Glass Jaw A Memory of Depression Times" Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 3-4

    "The Glory of My Crown: The Influence of Elizabeth I on the New World" Manuscript Version Copy, with changes and corrections, 67 pages, given as the 2003 Edward C. & Mary S. Peple Lecture on February 10, 2 copies, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 5

    "The Glory of My Crown: The Influence of Elizabeth I on the New World," 3 Typescript Versions, given as the 2003 Edward C. & Mary S. Peple Lecture on February 10

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic versions titled "The Glory of My Crown.wps" and "The Glory of My Crown.BPS"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 6

    "Godfather" Notes

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 7

    "Godfather" Revised Manuscript and Typescript

    1 folder(s)

    2005 September 1
  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 8

    "Godfather" Manuscript Drafts of Sections, "Playground," "Party Time," "War," and "The Women"; Typescript Drafts of Sections "Playground," "Party Time," "War," and "The Women"

    1 folder(s)

    2005, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 9

    "Godfather" Typescript Version, 52 pages, and an incomplete typescript

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks Digital_container: 1635.000

    Electronic version of "Godfather" Typescript entitled "Godfather.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2006 April 19
  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 10

    "Godfather" Miscellaneous Leftovers, Typescript and Manuscript

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 11

    "Going Down the Road Feeling Bad" Manuscript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 12

    "Going to See the Elephant: Why We Write Stories" Manuscript Version, 42 pages; Typescript Version, 9 pages

    1 folder(s)

    circa 2002
  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 13

    "Going to See the Elephant: Some Lessons for Writers" Typescript, 4484 words

    1 folder(s)

    circa 2002
  • Text [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 14-15

    "Going to See the Elephant: Our Duty as Storytellers" Page Proofs, 15 pages and 12 pages, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

    circa 2002
  • Manuscripts [X030866530] box: 30 folder: 16

    "The Good Ghost of Scott Fitzgerald," 2 Typescript Versions, one with changes - Essay published in "F. Scott Fitzgerald: New Perspectives"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 1

    "Good Medicine: Some Personal Notes on the Art and Life of Madison Jones" in "Chattahoochee Review," Typescript, 6 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 2

    "Good News Blues" published in "Chronicles A Magazine of American Culture," Typescript and Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1990 December
  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 3

    "Green Springs the Tree," Original Manuscript, [Part 6?], 15 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2003 May 29?
  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 4

    "Green Springs the Tree," an unpublished novel about Robert Greene, sometimes also with the title "Crow"; Original Version, Revised Typescript continued in Manuscript Version, [Sections 3-5]

    1 folder(s)

    circa 2003?
  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 5

    "Green Springs the Tree," an unpublished novel about Robert Greene, sometimes also with the title "Crow"; Miscellaneous Typescripts and Manuscripts, including an early draft and ongoing Typescript and Manuscript Versions

    1 folder(s)

    circa 2003
  • Text [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 6

    "The Gypsy's Revenge," published in "The Sewanee Review," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 7

    "Hawk in the April Wind" published in "In the Briar Patch," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 8

    Henry Taylor Essay, Early Manuscript Draft

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 9

    "Hollywood Blues" published in "Chronicles a Magazine of American Culture, "Manuscript and Typescript Version, Typescript Version, 10 pages, and print version

    1 folder(s)

    2006 July
  • Mixed Materials [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 10-11

    "Hooray for Hollywood: Notes and Comments on Hollywood Fiction with Special Attention to and for the Novels of Bruce Wagner" published in "The Hollins Critic," Several Manuscript Drafts, Typescript Version and Print Version, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

    2005 December
  • Mixed Materials [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 12

    "Hooray for Hollywood: Bits and Pieces of a Hollywood Novel (in progress)" published in "The Nassau Literary Review" Typescript Copies and print copy

    1 folder(s)

    2006 Fall/Winter
  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 13

    "Hooray for Hollywood" Drafts for an unpublished novel about Hollywood, chiefly Manuscript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866531] box: 31 folder: 14

    "Hooray for Hollywood" Draft for an unpublished novel about Hollywood, Manuscript Version pages 22-174, and miscellaneous typescript pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 1

    "House Story" – Incomplete Draft

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 2

    "How Can You Tell What Somebody's Thinking on the Phone?"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 3

    "How the Cookie Crumbled: Notes on a Literary Generation" published in "Going to See the Elephant"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 4

    "Hurray For Hollywood" published in "Bad Man Blues A Portable George Garrett," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 5

    "I Don't Pretend to Be An Expert": George Core's Sewanee Review, Notes, Typescript Version, and Print Version

    1 folder(s)

    2003 Summer
  • Text [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 6

    "In Memoriam Staige Blackford (1931-2003)" published in "The Virginia Quarterly Review"

    1 folder(s)

    2003 July 28
  • Text [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 7

    "In Memoriam: Staige Blackford 1931-2003" published in "The Sewanee Review"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 8

    "Inch by Inch" Typescript

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 9

    "Independence Day" published in "Bad Man Blues A Portable George Garrett" Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 10

    "The Influence of William Faulkner" Reprint, published in "The Georgia Review"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 11

    Introductions written by George Garrett

    1 folder(s)

    1976-1999, undated
  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic versions entitled "Introduction to Gulliver's Travels.wps," "Introduction to Plautus' The Entrepreneur.wps," and "Introduction to The Virginian.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Mixed Materials [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 12

    Introduction written by George Garrett for "Eric Clapton's Lover and Other Stories from the Virginia Quarterly Review"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 13

    Introduction to the Modern Library Edition of "Snopes," also published in "Southern Excursions," Manuscript Version, 52 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 14

    Introduction written by George Garrett for reprint of "Plumes" by Laurence Stallings in the Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Series, Manuscript Version, 110 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 15

    Introduction written by George Garrett for reprint of "Plumes" by Laurence Stallings in the Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Series, Typescript Versions, 18 pages, some with changes and corrections

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 16

    Introduction written by George Garrett for reprint of "Plumes" by Laurence Stallings in the Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Series, Notes, Inserts, and "Leftovers"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 17

    Introduction written by George Garrett for reprint of "Plumes" by Laurence Stallings in the Joseph M. Bruccoli Great War Series, Copyedited Version and Page Proof, with two letters from Bill Adams, University of South Carolina Press, January 5 and August 18, 2006

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 18

    Introduction written by George Garrett for "The Wedding Cake in the Middle of the Road"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 19

    "It Hums. It Sings and Dances" Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866532] box: 32 folder: 20-21

    "It Just Goes Bombing On and On, A Short History of Frankenstein Meets the Space Monster" Manuscript Versions, one 37 pages and one Typescript Version, 7 pages, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 1

    "James Dickey and the Life of Poetry" published in "The Sewanee Review," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    2001 Winter
  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 2

    "James Jones" Preface (only) to Garrett's biography of Jones, Manuscript

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 3-4

    "Jane Amor, Space Nurse," Manuscript Version, 9 pages and Typescript Version, 17 pages, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 5

    "Kite-Flying and Other Irrational Acts" Manuscript and Typescript Versions, about Richard Wilbur

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 6

    "Let's Start a Magazine," 2 Manuscript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 7

    "Let's Start a Magazine," Miscellaneous Typescript Versions, two marked Second Draft and Revised Version, and in varying lengths from 8 pages to 11 pages, some with changes and corrections

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030171598] Digital_container: 0638.006 Floppy_disks [X030171599] Digital_container: 0638.007

    Electronic versions of "Let's Start a Magazine" entitled "Let's Start a Magazine – Title Page.wps" and "Let's Start a Magazine.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Mixed Materials [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 8

    "A Letter From Earth" published in "Chronicles A Magazine of American Culture" concerning James Dickey, Manuscript and Typescript Drafts, and Print Version

    1 folder(s)

    2000 July
  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 9

    "Letter to the Students of the University of Virginia," Typescript Version, published in" Going to See the Elephant" (2002) and "The Texas Review" (2001)

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 10

    "Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire: Some Notes on the Life and Art of the Late James Dickey," in "The Virginia Quarterly Review"

    1 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    This includes two Typescript Versions, an incomplete Early Draft with changes, and another with changes, 24 pages; and a page proof.

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 11

    "Liberty and the Southern Tradition" Rough Drafts, perhaps presented as a talk at Hillsdale College

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 12

    "Literary Biography in our Time" Typescript Version, 16 pages, and Print Copy, published in "The Sewanee Review"

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 13

    "The Literature of the Great War" Typescript Version, 21 pages, published in "The Sewanee Review"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 14

    "Live Now & Pay Later: A Couple or Three Excerpts from a Novel Called Life with Kim Novak is Hell" in "Nassau Literary Review" Print Copy, one typescript page

    1 folder(s)

    1974 Winter
  • Mixed Materials [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 15

    "Locales: Poems from the Fellowship of Southern Writers," Page Proof

    1 folder(s)

    2002 September 24

    Scope and Contents

    This includes the "Foreword" by George Garrett and three of his poems; also includes a letter from George Roupe, October 7, 2002, about the proof.

  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 16

    "The Lost Brother: Summoning Up the Ghost of Who I Might Have Been" Typescript Version, published in "Bad Man Blues"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 17

    "Louisiana State University Press Celebrating Thirty-Five Years" in "American Poet," Electrostatic Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1999 Fall
  • Manuscripts [X030866533] box: 33 folder: 18

    "Lupe Has the Last Word" published in "Bred Any Good Rooks Lately" and "Bad Man Blues A Portable George Garrett," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

    1986, 1998?
  • Mixed Materials [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 1-2

    "Magic City an Opera Libretto in Two Acts" – Research Materials, Outlines and Notes, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

    1977-2003, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 3

    "Magic City An Opera Libretto in Two Acts," Typescript Version, 22 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 4-5

    "Magic City an Opera Libretto in Two Acts," Act I, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    This includes two drafts and revised manuscript and typescript pages, 68 pages.

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 6

    "Magic City an Opera Libretto in Two Acts," Act II, Revised Manuscript Pages

    1 folder(s)

    1982, 1988
  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 7

    "Magic City An Opera Libretto in Two Acts," Typescript Version, 109 pages

    1 folder(s)

    1988 August
  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 8

    "A Man Could Do Worse: Learning from the Elizabethans," Typescript, 14 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 9

    "Mary Lee Settle" Printed article and Manuscript notes

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 10

    "Memorial for Staige Blackford" published in "Archipelago"

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 11

    "The Messenger" in "Jeopardy," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 12

    "Metamorphosis: How Joseph Blotner Became a Southerner" Manuscript, Typescript, and Print Versions

    1 folder(s)

    2004 November 12

    Scope and Contents

    This was originally given at "Honoring the Career of Joseph Blotner," South Atlantic Modern Language Association Convention, and later published in "The Sewanee Review" (Winter 2005).

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 13

    "The Misery and the Glory of Texas Pete," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 14

    "Miss Eudora When Last Seen," published in "Going to See the Elephant," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 15

    "My Adventures in Fantasy Land," published in "Five Points," Manuscript Version, 135 pages; and a mixed Manuscript and Typescript draft

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866534] box: 34 folder: 16

    "My One and Only"? Manuscript Draft

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 1

    "My Silk Purse and Yours" – Headnotes and Typescript

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 2

    "My Turn at Bat" Manuscript Version, 14 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 3

    "My Two One-Eyed Coaches" published in "The Virginia Quarterly Review," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1987 Spring
  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 4

    "New Poems by Four Appalachian Masters" Review Essay in "Appalachian Heritage," Manuscript Version, Drafts 1-3

    1 folder(s)

    2004 JUne
  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 5

    "News of the Renaissance" Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 6

    "Oedipus at Colonus" by Sophocles, translated by George Garrett, Typescript Version, 100 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 7

    "On Literary Biography Twenty-one Statements" – George Garrett's is on page 6

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 8

    "Only as a Pilgrim: An Excerpt from Elizabeth and James" in "Lowlands Review," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1978 Fall
  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 9

    "Our Lady Godiva," published in Mill Mountain Review?, Typescript, 14 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 10

    "A (Pardon the Expression) Baccalaureate Address" Typescript Version, 11 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 11

    "Pay No Attention to That Man Behind the Curtain," published in "Five Points," Typescript Version, 13 pages, and 2 Author's Proofs

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 12

    "A Perfect Stranger," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 13

    "Places We Have Come From, Places We Have Been" Typescript Versions, one copy, 34 pages with changes and corrections, and two much shorter typescript copies

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 14

    "Plain and/or Fancy: Where the Short Story Is and May Be Going," Reprint published in "Proceedings Comparative Literature Symposium," Offprint

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 15

    Poetry by George Garrett – A-B

    1 folder(s)

    circa 2001-2007, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Poems include: "After Adam All Men Are Sad-Faced Clowns"; "Another Lent"; "Another Petition"; "Another Toast"; "Another Version"; "Answering Machine"; "Anthologies I (Then and There – Rome, 1958)"; "Anthologies II (Here and Now)"; "Apologia (for Lives of the Poets)"; "Arkansas Funeral"; "Ballad"; "Body's No Good Buddy Any More"; "Book Review"; "Brief Sermon"; "Broken Music"; and "By the Book."

  • Mixed Materials [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 16

    Poetry by George Garrett – C-G

    1 folder(s)

    1992-2003, undated

    Scope and Contents

    Poems include: "Cellphone"; "Cleaning Out"; "Crows"; "Falling in Love Again" (published as "Lust"); "For Linda Evangelista"; "Figure of Speech"; "Fin de Siecle"; "First Light York Harbor"; "Five Card Draw, Jacks Are Wild"; "From Lives of the Poets: A Satire"; "Ghosts"; "Good as a Gold Watch"; "Grapes"; and "Group Portrait."

  • Mixed Materials [X030866535] box: 35 folder: 17

    Poetry by George Garrett – H-P

    1 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    Poems include: "Hail to the Chief"; "Inch by Inch"; "Jacob"; "Jacob (Again)"; "Job's Messengers"; "A Little Night Music"; "Long and Short of It: A Letter to Brendan Galvin"; "Luck's Shining Child"; "March 1994 Three Poems for Cork Smith" (includes "Good as a Gold Watch," First Bluejay," and "God Save the King"); "Mundane Metamorphosis"; "My Own Self"; "New Year's Eve"; "Op-Ed Pages"; "Pardon Me (To a certain very dead poet)"; "Petition"; "Postcard From the Villa Serbelloni"; "Postcard to an Old Friend"; "Preface to 'Lives of the Poets'; and "Punch Line."

  • Mixed Materials [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 1

    Poetry by George Garrett – R-Z

    1 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    Poems include: "Resolutions"; "Silver Poet"; "Snapshots of the Poets"; "Some Deadly Sins"; "Some Enormous Surprises"; "Straight Flush" (also titled "In Italia a Bellagio"); "A Suit for Mr. Charley"; "To Suffer From Low Self of Steam"; "Two Elegies (In Memory of O. B. Hardison, Jr.); "We're in the Money (from Op-Ed Pages)"; "When I Consider"; "Whistling in the Dark"; "A Word for the Competition"; and "Yellow Shoe Poet."

  • Mixed Materials [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 2

    Poetry by George Garrett concerning the Civil War and his ancestors, published as "A Short History of the Civil War" in "Empty Bed Blues" and "Found Poems from a Lost Time"

    1 folder(s)

    2003, 2006, undated
  • Mixed Materials [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 3

    Poetry by George Garrett – Untitled poems and poetry in process

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 4

    "Poison Pen A Letter to James Farmer," Print Copy published in "Per/Se," accompanied by a letter from Simone ? dated May 16, 1983

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 5

    "Poison Pen," Typescript Version of Three Sections, Incomplete

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 6

    "The p*rnographers" Typescript Version, 10 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 7

    "Portrait for the Ages" originally titled "Roman Fever" Typescript Version, 14 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 8

    "Portraits: Some Notes on the Poetry of Growing Old," published in "Chronicles A Magazine of American Culture," Manuscript Version and a copy of Manuscript Version, Typescript Version, Print Version, and a letter concerning the piece, May 1, 2007

    1 folder(s)

    2007 May-July
  • Manuscripts [X030866536] box: 36 folder: 9-13

    "Postscript," in "Contemporary Authors Volume 202," 5 folders

    5 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    Versions include a Manuscript Version – Notes and Drafts 1 and 2; Manuscript Version, 183 pages; Typescript Version, Original Drafts; Typescript Version, Revised Drafts and Incomplete Draft; and Manuscript Version, "Leftovers."

  • Manuscripts [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 1

    "Profile: Martin Battestin, 52" Typescript Copy, 5 pages

    1 folder(s)

    circa 1995
  • Mixed Materials [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 2

    Questionnaire on Southern poetry for "Mississippi Quarterly"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 3

    "The Rea Award for the Short Story" Typescript Version and Research Information

    1 folder(s)

    1998, 2003-2004
  • Text [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 4

    "Reading and Weeping" in "Chronicles A Magazine of American Culture," Print Version

    1 folder(s)

    1998 May
  • Text [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 5

    "A Record as Long as Your Arm," published in "Short Stories and Their Making," Page Proofs

    1 folder(s)

    2005 January 30
  • Mixed Materials [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 7

    Reports on Books by Other Authors, arranged alphabetically by their last name

    1 folder(s)

    1992-2003, undated
  • Mixed Materials [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 8

    Reports on Books by Other Authors – Contest and Award Reports for Multiple Books

    1 folder(s)

    1992-1999, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 9

    "The Right Thing to Do at the Time," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 10

    "Roman Fever," Manuscript Version, 67 pages, Typescript Version, and "Leftovers"

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 11

    "Room at the Inn," Manuscript Versions, Typescript Version, 6 pages, and Page Proof? for a Booklet

    1 folder(s)

    2000 Christmas
  • Mixed Materials [X030866537] box: 37 folder: 12-15

    "Screenwriting 101," formerly titled "Afterword," and intended as a Hollywood novel, 4 folders

    4 folder(s)

    2005 and undated

    Scope and Contents

    Includes various versions, mixed Manuscript and Typescript, 45 pages; mixed Manuscript and Typescript, pages 114-156, 161-163; Typescript, 42 pages; and Typescript, with changes and corrections in red, 42 pages.

  • Mixed Materials [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 1-4

    "Shake Down the Thunder" a proposed novel about a football game during World War II, 4 folders

    4 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    Various versions include: Original Manuscript, Original, Pages 1-169, described by Garrett in "Contemporary Authors Volume 202"; Manuscript and Typescript Drafts, Notes, and Bibliography; On-Going, Early Draft Typescript; and On-Going, Chapter 1, Typescript.

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 5-6

    "A Sharp and Snappy Salute," 2 folders

    1 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    Includes Manuscript Version and a Typescript Version, 19 pages.

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 7

    "A Shepherd's Adventure," published in Whistling in the Dark Typescript Version, 16 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 8

    "Short History of the Civil War," Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 9

    "Sicily" published in "Style," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

    1990 January
  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 10

    "Small Presses Come to Rescue of Two Elder Statesmen of Poetry," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 11

    "Soil of Hope: New and Other Voices in Southern Fiction for the Nineties," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 12

    "Soldier, O Soldier Scenes from the Life of Captain William Barfoot," Typescript Version, 29 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 13

    "Some Grievances against Doubleday" Typescript, 18 pages, with a copy of an article about Doubleday & Company, "Bleak House" by John Taylor dated July 1985

    1 folder(s)

    circa 1986
  • Text [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 14

    "The Sorrows of Fat City; Or, Eclecticism and Other Bad Habits" published in "New Literary History" offprint

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 15

    The Sorrows of Fat City "Author's Note" and "Prologue," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866538] box: 38 folder: 16-17

    "The Source," Manuscript Version, First Draft and a New, On-Going Manuscript Version, pages 1-65, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 1-4

    "The Source," Various Versions, 4 folders

    4 folder(s)

    2004 May 8 and undated

    Scope and Contents

    Versions include: Manuscript Version, 129 pages; mixed Manuscript and Typescript Versions, both with changes and corrections; Miscellaneous Drafts, Research, and "Leftovers"; and On-Going Typescript Version, 13 pages.

  • Manuscripts [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 5

    "The Source," Typescript Version, 20 pages, with an email from Marc Fitten concerning its publication in The Chattahoochee Review?

    1 folder(s)

    2006 August 2
  • Floppy_disks [X030171596] Digital_container: 0638.004

    Electronic versions of "The Source" entitled "The Source – Title Page.wps," "The Source.wps" and "Ending.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Text [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 6

    "Southern Literature Here and Now" published in "Why the South Will Survive," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 7

    "Southern University Presses," Typescript Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 8-9

    "Stars and Bars: A Confederate Collage," published in "Callaloo," 2 folders

    2 folder(s)


    Scope and Contents

    Versions include: Manuscript Version and Typescript Versions, with corrections and changes, 9 and 10 pages; and Copies and Offprint.

  • Mixed Materials [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 10

    Statements and Blurbs written by George Garrett for other author's books, arranged by author's last name, except for anthologies or unknown author, which are by title

    1 folder(s)

    1999-2005, undated
  • Mixed Materials [X030866539] box: 39 folder: 11-13

    "A Story Goes with It," including Research Materials, Expanded Version, Manuscript and Typescript, and a Typescript Reading Version, 3 folders

    3 folder(s)

    circa 2002, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 1

    "A Story Goes With It," Typescript Versions, 37 pages and 39 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 2

    "A Story Goes With It," Manuscript First Revision, published in "The Sewanee Review"

    1 folder(s)

    2002 May 29
  • Floppy_disks [X030930529] Digital_container: 1737.003

    "A Story Goes With It". Electronic version titled "A Story Goes With It – 1.wps" on disk 1737.003

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2002 June 3
  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 3

    "A Story Goes With It Some Oral History of Our Time," Typescript, 55 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2003 July 22
  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 4

    "A Story Goes With It," Typescript Versions, 59 pages, one marked in red

    1 folder(s)

    2004 April 7
  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 5

    "A Story Goes With It," Proof and Proof copy, published by Five and Ten Press

    1 folder(s)

    2004 May 14
  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 6

    "A Story Goes With It," published in "Archipelago" 8.2, 32 pages in PDF format

    1 folder(s)

    2004 Summer
  • Mixed Materials [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 7

    "Such Scenes I Never Dreamed of: Some Recent Writing About the Civil War" published in "The Sewanee Review," Typescript and Offprint

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 8

    "Summoning of Place," published in "The Virginia Quarterly Review," Manuscript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 9

    "Summoning of Place," published in "The Virginia Quarterly Review," Manuscript and Typescript Versions of the Florida, Virginia, and Hollywood Sections

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866540] box: 40 folder: 10

    "Summoning of Place?" published in "The Virginia Quarterly Review," Manuscript Version of the Florida Section

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 1

    "Summoning of Place," published in The Virginia Quarterly Review, Typescript Versions, including a revised copy, 29 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 2

    "Summoning of Place," published in "The Virginia Quarterly Review," Page Proof

    1 folder(s)

    2003 April 16
  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 3

    "A Summoning of Place Part Two," Opening Note Manuscript

    1 folder(s)

    2004 February 16
  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 4

    "Tanks" Manuscript and Typescript Versions, published in "The Sewanee Review"(1992) and "Empty Bed Blues"

    1 folder(s)

    1991?, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 5

    "Thanksgiving" originally titled "People of the Long Steel Knives" Manuscript and Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030171600] Digital_container: 0638.008

    Electronic version of "Thanksgiving" entitled "People of the Long Steel Knives.wps" and "People of the Long Steel Knives – Title Page.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2007 May 20
  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 6

    "That's What I Like (About the South)" Typescript Version, 16 pages, Editor's Note and Notes on Contributors

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 7-8

    "Then and Now: In Cold Blood Revisited" published in The Virginia Quarterly Review, Typescript and 2 Page Proofs, Print Copy (2 folders)

    2 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 9

    "Things Go Fine: A Promissory Note for Percival Everett," Typescript Versions, 12 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 10

    "This Fickle Literary World: The Story of From Here to Eternity" Typescript Versions, 10 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    "This Fickle Literary World: The Story of From Here to Eternity" Electronic version titled "Fickle.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

    2005 January 31
  • Mixed Materials [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 11

    "Those Years, That Time" Essay by Garrett in the Sewanee Military Academy Class of 1946 50 Year Reunion booklet, with a letter from [A. Dallas Albritton], April 12, 1996

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 12

    "Three Out-Takes," Stories once part of the novel, The Succession, Typescript Version, 75 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 13

    "To Guess a Riddle, to Stumble on the Secret Name" in The Wedding Cake in the Middle of the Road, 2 Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 14

    "A Toast to All the Poets" in Windfall Poems 1977, Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 15

    "Toomer's Sketch," consisting of an introduction by Garrett and a biographical sketch of William Morrison Toomer, which was based on Toomer's recollections as a man of eighty-one, Manuscript Version, and Miscellaneous typescripts

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 16

    "Towne in Tinseltown" Manuscript Drafts and Typescript

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 17

    Tribute to Mary Lee Settle – "Is This Heaven?" in "Appalachian Heritage," Manuscript Version, 12 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 18

    "The Twelfth Night Performance from Elizabeth and James," published in "The Missouri Review," Print Copy

    1 folder(s)

    1982 Summer
  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 19

    "Two Memorials for Staige Blackford," Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

  • Floppy_disks [X030930516] Digital_container: 1634.000

    Electronic version titled "Two Memorials for Staige Blackford.wps"

    0.00144 Gigabytes

  • Manuscripts [X030866541] box: 41 folder: 20

    "Tyranny by Sloth" originally a talk given at a 10th Anniversary banquet of "Chronicles" magazine, Typescripts, one an expanded later version which mentions his character, John Towne, Thomas Jefferson, and Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    1 folder(s)

    1987, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 1

    "Uncle Tom" Story, Manuscript Version, 6 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 2

    "Under Two Flags" published in "Whistling in the Dark" (1992) and "Home Ground" (1991), Typescript Versions

    1 folder(s)

    circa 1991
  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 3-4

    Unidentified Manuscripts, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

    1974, 1992, undated
  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 5

    "University Presses" published in "The Companion to Southern Literature," Manuscript Version, 22 pages, with a letter from LSU Editor John Easterly, April 1998, to Dear Contributor

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 6

    Untitled Reflections concerning Poetry, Unwritten Stories and Untold Tales, and Towne Stories

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 7

    Untitled Story concerning May Sarton at York Harbor, Maine

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 8

    "An Upstart Crow," Typescript, 9 pages

    1 folder(s)

    2002 August 26
  • Text [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 9

    "Voices An Excerpt from "Entered From the Sun" published in "Chronicles a Magazine of American Culture" Print Version

    1 folder(s)

    1989 May
  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 10

    "Warren's Poetry: Some Things We Ought to be Thinking About" Typescript Version, 20 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 11

    "What I Look for in a Poem" Statement for The Writer's Eye, Manuscript Versions and Print Version

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 12

    "Whatever Became of "The King of Babylon?" The Short Season of One Book," Typescript Version, 31 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Text [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 13

    "Whatever Wishful Thinking May Wish: The Example of James Gould Cozzens," Print copy, reprinted in Dictionary of Literary Biography Volume 294: James Gould Cozzens A Documentary Volume

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 14

    "When Lorena Bobbit Comes Bob-Bob-Bobbing Along The Sorry State of Popular Culture" published in "Chronicles A Magazine of Popular Culture"

    1 folder(s)

    1994 April
  • Mixed Materials [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 15

    "Whistling in the Dark," published in the "Wooster Review," Typescript Version and Print copy

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 16

    "William Goyen: Brother to Anyone With Ears to Hear" in "A Goyen Companion," Typescript Versions and Notes

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 17

    "Wine Talking," Typescript Version, 22 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866542] box: 42 folder: 18-19

    "With My Body, I Thee Worship" published in "Empty Bed Blues" and "Five Points," Manuscript and Typescript Versions, 2 folders

    2 folder(s)

    circa 2006
  • Mixed Materials [X030866543] box: 43 folder: 1

    "Wounded Soldier" Short Story – Online Discussion Comments

    1 folder(s)

    2005 July 25
  • Mixed Materials [X030866543] box: 43 folder: 2

    "A Wreath for Galibaldi" published in "The Kenyon Review" and "A Wreath for Garibaldi and Other Stories," Print copy with hand-written textual notes

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866543] box: 43 folder: 3

    "A Writing Life" published in "The Idaho Review" (1998) and "Going to See the Elephant," Typescript Version, 11 pages

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866543] box: 43 folder: 4

    "You Are Adam and You are Eve: A Letter to My Students" lecture delivered at the Wesleyan Writer's Conference, Typescript Versions (also published in "Letters to a Fiction Writer," 1999)

    1 folder(s)

  • Manuscripts [X030866543] box: 43 folder: 5

    "You Play Your Mask Some Notes on the Poems of David Madden" Essay for "David Madden: A Writer for All Genres," Typescript Versions, with a letter from James A. Perkins, July 26, 2005

    1 folder(s)

  • Mixed Materials [X030866543] box: 43 folder: 6

    "The Young Lovers" Call Sheet

    1 folder(s)

    1963 September 6
  • George Garrett papers (2024)


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    Author: Lidia Grady

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    Views: 6147

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    Author information

    Name: Lidia Grady

    Birthday: 1992-01-22

    Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

    Phone: +29914464387516

    Job: Customer Engineer

    Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

    Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.