Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2024)


The Tyrannical Dark Titan lies within the Yinying Woods, a dark forest known for the various spirits that dwell within it. Minions of pure darkness are now yours to command as you make your way towards the second Titan! This includes the rest of the region's Ghost-types....just in time for Halloween.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (1)

Dark --> Dark --> Dark
Shapasu is a pair of hands that constantly play with themselves, calling forth shadow puppets that become real forces of darkness. Never separating even in the direst of moments, Shapasu is constantly thinking of evil thoughts, and the more distorted it's shadow puppets get, the more ruthless it is. Some Shapasus can even tell the future with their shadow puppets. It evolves into Tholbomasu, a Pokémon which strangely resembles a puppet itself. It performs strange dances of darkness which compel other people to do the same, no matter how dangerous they are to perform, and they always seem to tell white lies, filling the minds of anyone it speaks to with pure discord. It's said that Tholbomasu is a rejected design for a puppet that brought the theater it performed in into bankruptcy, and it is rather crazy as well, always dancing without running out of energy. It's final evolved form is known as Wolkhmlasu, known to some as "The Puppeteer Of Shadows". It lashes out the twin strings on it's hands towards the strongest Pokémon or person it sees, strangling them up like a puppet. Wolkhmlasu then gains complete control over the target's mind, draining their good thoughts in the process so that the rest of their lives will be as an evil mastermind. It uses it's puppet to do the fighting for them, infusing them with the powers of darkness and shadowing over all light. Wolkhmlasu only let's go of it's puppet if it sees a stronger one to control, and those let go will suffer eternal nightmares for the rest of their life. There's been a common superstition that people only perform bad deeds because they are controlled by Wolkhmlasu.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2)

Light --> Light --> Light
Eyffer is a Pokémon that puts it's own faith in the light, strangely resembling a temple from a distance. It offers small Pokémon as sacrifices to this force of light, making itself stronger and more focused in the process. Eyffer carefully inspects each potential sacrifice, based on how strong it is and how faithful it is, so you'll often find it sacrificing evil Pokémon against their own will. The sacrificed Pokémon is then whisked away by a massive torrent of light energy. When it evolves into Dimao, it becomes a walking sacrificial altar. It judges the worthiness of every person or Pokémon it sees, and if Dimao sees someone as too unworthy to follow the light any further, it throws it on top of the altar, ready for sacrifice. It's a very honest Pokémon, always telling the truth, though it rarely comes in contact with people that it doesn't want to sacrifice, instead isolating itself in the far mountains of the Oriva Region, constantly focusing it's body and soul. Once Dimao has sacrificed enough targets to fully become one with the light, it evolves one last time into Tuditao, the closest resemblance to a priest in the Oriva Region. Putting all it's duty into serving the light itself, it uses powerful beams of light energy to drain the evil out of anything it hits. You'll often find Tuditao meditating at the local temples, making sure that it never loses contact with the light every day by constantly keeping itself in focus. There's even been some sayings that most of the temples in the Oriva Region are based off Tuditao's shape when inspected from a distance.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (3)

Normal/Time --> Normal/Time --> Normal/Time
Based off the Dorotabō, Muolar is a Pokémon made entirely of a special kind of earth known as Xirang, a type of soil that constantly mutlipies to whatever the wielder sees fit. It's normally a very shy Pokémon, hiding inside farmlands as it spread the Xirang around, and it rarely shows itself to other people and Pokémon. It uses it's Xirang as it's weapon as well, covering the opponent in a pile of soil so that Muolar can escape to a safer spot. It evolves into Xirdoro, the spirit of a farmer who died in guilt after his well spent farmland was ruined by the very next owner. Feeding only on vengeance itself, they haunt the owners of the field they died in and force them to eventually sell the farmland to someone who can take better care of it. It's four fingers are said to represent a different sin, and the fitvh finger was apparently chopped off the Xirdoro itself. It still uses it's Xirang to it's advantage, mainly as a way to get the owners to leave. Xirdoro then fully evolves into Yuxiarang, a bountiful warlord Pokémon that commands it's own Xirang to it's will. It mainly uses it to prevent great floods from occuring, earning it the cheers from it's fellow villagers. However, Yuxiarang will only stop a flood if it would destroy the village otherwise, allowing the flood to go by otherwise. It also uses the Xirang to build great farmlands where crops can grow in peace and tranquillity. Supposedly, it once worked with a certain Legendary Pokémon in the past that no longer appears in the region today to help shape the land itself.

Fire/Ghost --> Fire/Ghost --> Fire/Ghost
Based off the Onibi, Pudibis are squashed pumpkins given life once more. These little wisps of flame always carry the squashed pumpkin with them as they wander across the Oriva Region's rainy areas, making sure that the pumpkin is never damaged any further. It's flames are hot enough to cause constant burns for weeks on end, and they can drain the life force of anyone who threatens them. Some Pudibis take on the voices and faces of those who have lost their life to this Pokémon. When Pudibi evolves into Inkaso, it becomes one with it's own pumpkin, which strangely loses the X_X markings it had when evolving. No longer able to fly, it instead disguises itself as an ordinary pumpkin until someone gets close to it. Then, Inkaso releases an infernal scream that can drain the souls of anyone unfortunate enough to hear it almost instantly, before hopping over to a different location. It also does this if it is carved by someone that it doesn't trust, but successfully doing so will grant you protection from the spirits for a few weeks. It's most commonly found in festivals that celebrate the spirits of the Oriva Region, feeding off the leftover energy projected from them. It's final evolved form is known as Jackoyaku, a possessed Jack-O-Lantern spirit that is slowly burning away. It's flames can consume entire souls and send them to the underworld for all eternity, and it's two eyes can see every spirit in the area, letting it know which ones to feed on to keep it's own fire going. It's said that if Jackoyaku appears before you on a dark, stormy night, your life as you know it is over, doomed to serve a lifetime of torment to Jackoyaku's flames, which it can reshape into demons and essences of darkness.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (5)

Wierd/Ghost --> Wierd/Ghost --> Wierd/Ghost
Tamatigami is an Origami Pokémon that is shaped like a Tamatebako, folded from paper that supposedly belonged to an origami craftsman who perished trying to make a thousand paper cranes, which he believed could fulfil any wish possible. Those who stare into it's single eye will find themselves losing their focus and youth, and it constantly refolds itself every day to keep it's shape. However, outside of that, Tamatigami does not do that much, spending all day staring into the night sky. This behaviour continues even when Tamatigami evolves into Katamakami, which has folded itself into a bear. This bear shape is supposedly the first origami model that the craftsman created, and outside of standing there, all Katamakami does is run in a straight line, as if it is imitating the bear's movement. Those who touch it will have their spirit drained to the core, and in battle, it folds itself into several other shapes, such as a giraffe and a cat, to confuse it's opponents. It only truly becomes active when it fully evolves into Orizurushrami, a Pokémon that resembles one of the paper cranes that the craftsman made. Now free from it's past behaviour, Orizurushrami commands a series of mini-cranes into battle, each of which is folded out of a single sheet of paper made of ghostly energy. It leads these cranes as if it was like a warlord leading an army of soldiers into battle, and each crane has a different speciality that can catch an opponent off guard. When it's opponent is weakened, Orizurushrami goes for the kill, striking them with a peck of wierd energy that turns their body into a piece of paper, ready to be folded into another mini-crane. Once it has a thousand of them, Orizurushrami will make the wish that the craftsman wanted, before it mysteriously vanishes, it's duty having been done. However, an Orizurushrami that trusts it's trainer every step of the way will stay behind, though it will lose all of it's cranes in the process. It is noteworthy that a hidden hollow in the Yinying Woods is the only way to obtain the Tamatigami line before facing the Tyrannical Dark Titan outside of scouring the Ancient Raid Dens, and you need the ability to cross water to find all the other locations of it.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (6)

Ghost/Flying --> Ghost/Flying --> Ghost/Flying
Based off the Kotengu and the Aosagibi, Aohers are Heron Pokémon that become this way after they have lived for a thousand years. It's a very shy Pokémon, preferring remote areas where it can feed on low class spirits in peace, and as it flies, it leaves behind a flammable powder that, when ignited, doesn't appear to burn anything at all. It's quite easy to mistake the flames that the powder makes for other Pokémon such as Pudibi or Hinowilla, and most people don't realize it until it is too late. Heroguu is what Aoher evolves into, and in this form, it stops being shy and starts hunting higher class spirits, mainly middle stage Ghost-type Pokémon. They prefer a solitary life, stealing treasures and trinkets and using them to decorate it's own nest, with more valuable treasures making Heroguu more powerful. They also enjoy injuring other Pokémon: One of their favorite past times is to pick up other Pokémon and drop them from high heights just to see if they survive hitting the ground. What was once it's flammable powder is now a ghostly spirit that can consume even the brightest of souls. It's most savage form is it's final evolution, Goiaosugi, which hails from the same family tree as Tenguruda. It loves nothing more than destroying everything in sight, and it will even draw other people into doing the same thing by telling them white lies and forcing them to eat the mud from it's nest, which is infused with the spirits that it had previously consumed. It's giant wings drain the spirits of anyone that catches even a glimpse of them, and it's talisman prevents other Ghost Pokémon from doing the same thing to it. Goiaosugi's greatest weakness is it's own overconfidence: It can easily be tricked into making faustian bargains or to fly back to it's nest over the simplest of things, and more often than not, this is the only defence against Goiaosugi's brutality.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (7)

Ghost/Electric --> Ghost/Electric --> Ghost/Electric
Based off the Nue, Nusis are calm, caring Pokémon that make their homes in treetops, concentrating on improving it's mastery over Ghost and Electric attacks, as it has not yet mastered either of those. It tends to avoid conflict, focusing all of it's energy on evolution, and catching a glimpse of a Nusi can grant you great fortune in certian regions. Nusi's evolved form is known as Kojinusi, those mastery over electricity and spectres has multiplied tenfold. It runs across trees and branches, marking it's territory with an electrical field that drains the spirits of anyone who touches them. It's presence is noted by the strange cries it makes that sound like birds, and people thought they were a bad omen, always hoping for the worst whenever they hear them. Kojinusi also the name given to something truly mysterious that has not yet been discovered. It's final evolved form is known as Yorkyranusi, a chimera Pokémon that leaps from thundercloud to thundercloud, tormenting all that dares to oppose it with a giant storm of lightning bolts. It can turn itself into a giant thundercloud to travel great distances, and it's cry now makes thunderstorms appear with every second it sounds out. Hearing this cry will send you into an eternal state of paralysis, leaving you wide open for Yorkyranusi to land the finishing blow. Legend tells of how a warrior slayed a Yorkyranusi to cure an emperor of such paralysis, before casting it's corpse down a river to a village, where it was rightfully buried. Rumor has it that the reason why the village is still being struck by constant thunderstorms is that Yorkyranusi's lifeforce comes from the lightning it creates.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (8)

Ghost/Job --> Ghost/Job
This Pokémon is based off the Kyōrinrin. If a book is left unattended and gathers dust for too long, it will gain life and become a vengeful Buzzled. This Pokémon's wisdom depends on the book that became it, and it is a very vengeful Pokémon, attacking the owners of the book it once was in revenge of abandoning it. It does so by animating the letters on it and sending them towards it's enemies. An extravagent Pokémon, Buzzled constantly decorates itself with scrolls and book covers, and it's often found at libraries. Buzzled evolves into Kyorinbar, a Pokémon powered by the endless wisdom that is around the world. Now taking the form of a ruthless serpent, it's vengeance towards other people has multiplied tenfold, causing people to take good care of their books, lest Kyorinbar attacks them with it's razor sharp pages. Some people even get sealed inside the Kyorinbar's pages itself, never to escape again. Sometimes, however, you'll see Kyorinbar acting as a librarian, making sure that all of the books around it never get dusty at all.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (9)

Ghost/Psychic --> Ghost/Psychic --> Ghost/Psychic
Based off the Hinnagami, Dollinas appear to be possesed dolls, but they are in fact the earth from seven different villages given life by the spirits of darkness themselves. They are created through a ritual that involves covering the earth in stardust, which then shapes itself into the Dollina. It can grant any small wishes that it's owner asks to it, though once it grants a wish, it will instantly ask for another one, forming an endless cycle of greed and despair. It will constantly annoy it's owner this way to ask for a wish, and the only way to get it to shut up is to recall it back into it's Poké Ball. However, it does not exhibit this behavior in battle. Dollina's strength depends on the number of wishes it grants, and once enough of them have been granted, it evolves into Poswish, and in this form, it will no longer leave it's master's side, now capable of granting even the most powerful of wishes. The promise of an unlimited number of wishes will drive it's owner into a greedy overlord in seconds, but if Poswish thinks that it's being asked bad wishes, such as a wish for the world to be destroyed, it will rightfully refuse the wish, or even twist the words of it. An emperor once tried to use Poswish to rule the world, and people were granted lots of wool on that day: Poswish had twisted the words to "Wool the World" before destroying the emperor with a massive torrent of psychic energy. In battle, it grants wishes made by itself, though it has a code of honor and will never wish for the battle to be instantly won unless the situation at hand would allow the battle to be won anyway even if the wish was granted, such as if the opposing trainer only had one really weak Pokémon left. It's final evolved form, Hinnachobbo, is said by some to be humanity's greatest mistake. While it can now rewrite the rules of time and space to grant it's wishes, people who are partners of Hinnachobbo will do nothing but constantly ask for wishes, now a puppet to this Pokémon. Said to be created from a thousand dolls, not even death will separate Hinnachobbo from it's owner, following it into the afterlife to torment them with wishes for all eternity. Some sources state that Hinnachobbo grants the wishes in an alternative universe, leaving the owner completely insane as they spurt out words of nonsense.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (10)

Ghost/Dragon --> Ghost/Dragon --> Ghost/Dragon
Based off Shokuin, Shoaces are possesed dragon Pokémon those actual body is the face that never seems to open it's eyes, not the dragon like body, which the face controls. It never eats, sleeps, drinks, or breathes, wandering around aimlessly searching for torches to gain warmth from. As a Ghost/Dragon type, it's mastery over the spirits of dragons is resolute, though Shoace mostly ignores them in this form, like a wild animal to flame. It's evolved form is called, Shokurul, which is a lot more active than it's pre-evolution. Shokurul is the size of an entire castle, and it claims an entire mountain as it's own, forcing the residents to be extra careful when treading through it, as it's skin can cause hallucinations for days. It's eyes gleam like a lighthouse, and it's breath can cause massive hurricanes infused with the spirits of darkness. When it leaves the mountain it claims, it will infuse it with ghastly energy until it returns, serving as a barrier against the forces of darkness. Shokurul's final evolved form is known as Shoraraguardor, known as the "Crimson Season Spirit" by some people because of it's ability to change the seasons. When it opens it's eyes, night becomes day. When it closes them, day becomes night. When it inhales, it becomes summer. When it exhales, it becomes winter. Because of this, people viewed Shoraraguardor as a high level deity of the world, praising it's ability to change the weather at will, and as such, Wethayami has a violent rivalry with it. In battle, it uses it's immeasurable size and it's mastery over spirits and seasons to destroy anything in it's path, possessing enough power to turn a whole city into a bleak wasteland in a single strike!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (11)

Ghost/Ice --> Ghost/Ice --> Ghost/Ice
Based off the Oshiroi babā, Hagihoris normally live in the icy mountains of the Oriva Region, and it's said to be a subspecies of the Yunesa line. Covered in a sheet of cold powder, Hagihori is a Pokémon that avoids conflict and interaction at all costs, with it's horrifying face scaring away even the bravest of souls. It loves to cackle into the deep blizzards, and their presence can be noted by the strange creaking sound they make that is comparable to a mirror being moved. It's evolved form is Powjara, a strange hag Pokémon that only appears at snowy towns at nighttime near the end of the year. It tries to convince other people into accepting the makeup it sells, which is a powdery substance comparable to snow. Their cane not only helps them stay balanced, but also serves as their weapon in combat, covering enemies in a giant flurry of powder snow from which there is no escape whatsoever. Because only a few people have seen Powjara, not much else is known about it. It's final evolved form requires an Ice Stone to reach, and it is known as Babaoshaw, a truly mysterious Pokémon that very few people actually see. Supposedly, it commands blizzards at it's will, and rearranges the faces of anyone it sees to make sure they look beautiful. It also only appears in areas where there is absolute peace, so not much is known at Babaoshaw beyond these facts, because ones that evolve from Powjara exhibit nearly the same behavior as their pre-evolution.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (12)

Ghost/Athlete --> Ghost/Athlete --> Ghost/Athlete
Based off the Kyōkotsu, Snooky is a snooker cue and a set of billard balls given life after they were thrown down a well. Possessing a powerful grudge towards the owners who disposed of them poorly, Snooky pucks the balls like it was an actual game of snooker, always aiming for the target's weak points every time. Each of the three billard balls possesses a different personality, yet they always get along so that they can perform the greatest snooker maneuvers. When Snooky evolves into Kyooky, it absorbs the billard balls, leaving just the cue, which becomes a spirit that is apparently shaped like the person who threw the billard balls away. Now able to generate a set of billard balls by itself with it's ghostly energy, it inflicts anyone it sees with a deep grudge that deters them from using wells, as that is where Kyooky lives most of the time, stealing the souls of anyone who climbs down the well. There have been some sources that Kyooky's lifeforce depends on it's snooker playing skills, fading away if it can't find the perfect shot in time. It's final evolved form is known as Cueshotrooky, the spirit of a professional snooker player given life once more. It spends most of the time honing it's snooker skills, playing snooker at tables without caring about the outside world. Supposedly, it has even forgotten it's own grudge, only showing it again in combat. However, when the time comes to strike it's enemies, it will hit the billard balls that it makes with it's own vengeance with enough force to pierce through most materials in a single strike. Some Cueshotrookys come from the spirits of snooker players who have spent their entire lives figuring out every possible scenario in snooker.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (13)

Villain/Ghost --> Villain/Ghost --> Villain/Ghost
Debbos are servants of Legendary Dark, Ghost, and Villain Pokémon that are based off the Red Boy. They fly across the underworld searching for mean tricks to play on other people and Pokémon alike, all to please their masters. Lacking a soul entirely, Debbo only cares to spread evil to wherever it goes, sometimes appearing near people and convincing them to do evil deeds. Debbo is normally reliant on it's master, but when it is ready to become independent, it is a sign that it is nearly ready to evolve into Hohnivil. This demon Pokémon is a master of playing tricks, able to shapeshift into a variety of items and summoning torrent of demonic flames that can blot out the sun. These flames cannot be quenched by even rainfall, and burns left by them are filled with the forces of darkness. It's pitchfork is filled with the evil spirits of a millenium's curse, and those stabbed by it will instantly become demonic themselves, performing evil deeds just for the sake of it. It claims entire caves as it's own, and tricks people into helping it out so that they can be left at their most vulnerable moment. Only the most demonic of Hohnivils can evolve into it's final stage of evolution, Samátan. In this form, it basically becomes the ruler of the underworld itself, commanding demonic Pokémon to spread evil to the furthest corners of the land. Samátan itself appears before people and convinces them to sell their soul to it, whether it be for power, fame, or fortune. It then keeps a close eye on it's bargain, and if it's servants ever violate them, it torments them to an endless cycle of pain and nightmares. Despite all this, it is a very close friend to Vajiroxx, indicating a connection between them.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (14)

Hero/Ghost --> Hero/Ghost --> Hero/Ghost
Based off Zhong Kui, Shórry may look like a creepy spirit, but it's actually a very dedicated ghost slayer. It commands small demon Pokémon like Debbo against their will to fight with them, incorporating their abilities into it's own strategy. A very persistent Pokémon, once Shórry enters an area, it will not leave until it and it's friends are the only Ghost Pokémon left in the area. For some odd reason, it likes to hide in attics, though whether it is a way to keep it's identity a secret is still unknown. Once Shórry has defeated enough ghost Pokémon, it will evolve into Shózhong, now armed with a blade designed to destroy spirits outright. It judges every Ghost Pokémon it sees, recruiting the ones that it trusts and destroying their rest, making sure that they can be at rest in the afterlife. Ghosts that follow Shózhong never seem to become evil at all, working alongside it at a far better rate than it's pre-evolution. Supposedly, it is the reincarnation of a warlord who vanished after losing his title due to it's distorted appearance. Upon becoming one with the spirits themselves, Shózhong will fully evolve into Shókuiyuk, the ultimate slayer of evil ghost Pokémon anywhere. It's spirit is bound to a special book that serves as it's source of power, though it can still fight even the strongest of ghosts if the book is destroyed. Rather, it serves as it's bounty list: When the name of something is written upon the book, Shókuiyuk will go for that target instantly, and since it never loses concentration on itself, clawing even the most grim of spirits with it's possessed claws that can damage both the body and the soul, it will usually result in the target perishing without anyone knowing it was Shókuiyuk's doing. Those who wield the book will gain Shókuiyuk's trust, protecting them from all spirits as long as they hold it. It is rumored that the death of several criminals across the Oriva Region is related to this very book!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (15)

Time/Ghost --> Time/Ghost --> Time/Ghost
Based off the Heifeng Guai, Guarl is an incopereal spirit Pokémon that is invisible to most humans and Pokémon. It's presence can be noted by the lack of spirit in an area, and it fights with powerful time based attacks which can extinguish any fire in the vincinity. It's quite a common Ghost Pokémon, but it can only be seen with special devices such as the Silph Scope. It's evolved form is known as Etherfang, which wields a sharp claw in one hand, and the head of a bear in the other. It's said that this bear is the spirit of an ancient grizzly bear that once terrorized villages, only dying because it did not believe in the spirits themselves. Now mostly visible, Etherfang hunts down prey by biting them hard with it's bear head, not letting go until there are no spirits left within the target. It's a common sight in most mountains, feeding on the bad omens that come from them. Etherfang then fully evolves into Bodhisyin, those bear head has now fully taken over it's entire body. A vicious spirit Pokémon, Bodhisyin only exists for the thrill of the hunt, stealing possessions to goad people and Pokémon alike into fighting them, their spirits draining as they fail to pierce Bodhisyin's hard skin, until they perish. Bodhisyin then feeds on the target's spirit and discards the body, making it look like they had been killed by an avalanche. Legend tells of how a fair maiden got a Bodhisyin to give up it's evil ways by forcing it to drink the elixr shaped like one of her companions.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (16)

Dark/Beast --> Dark/Beast --> Dark/Beast
Based off the Betobetosan and Sugawara no Michizane, Bestoclaks are invisible spirits those presence can only be noted by the clacking of sandals in the streets at night. They match the steps of anyone they follow, causing them to become insane from hearing things that they can't see. To fend it off, just stand by the side and say "After you, Bestoclak", upon which it will pass by harmlessly and walk towards it's next target. While normally a harmless spirit otherwise, Bestoclak's evolved form, Nighwara, is quite the opposite. Said to the spirit of a deceased imperial poet, Nighwara appears before people and speaks out a strange poem that always seems to describe their demise, before the events of the poem occur in reality. An experienced Pokémon in both the powers of Darkness and of Beasts, it uses these powers to torment those who have avoided the events of the poems it has told, spurting out more poems in the process. It's said that as it's guilt over it's death overtakes it, Nighwara becomes stronger and stronger, until eventually it becomes it's final form, which is known as Michirano. Now a vengeful thunder god, Michirano's past life was of a poet that lost everything to when the emperor he served turned to the dark side. It brings forth an eternal curse on villages that do not pledge their will to it, destroying houses with bolts of pure darkness, and the only way to satisfy it is to host a festival in it's honor. It's ruthless destruction across the Oriva Region has it earnt it the honor of being one of the region's most powerful demons, and people lay out paintings of Michirano to avoid it's wrath of darkness.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (17)

Dark/Athlete --> Dark/Athlete --> Dark/Athlete
Cisd is a possessed Discus Pokémon based off Taira no Masakado. It's said to be the soul of a powerful samurai taken residence in a disc that he once played with as a child, and it normally flies around aimlessly in the night sky, slicing through opponents with enough force to chop down an entire forest of trees. Whoever tries to use it as an actual discus will lose their soul to the abyss of darkness, with it's single eye watching the wielder's every move as they are consumed by the shadows. It evolves into Tairisc, those disc is now sharp enough to slice through solid titanium. It strikes down those who opposed it during it's past life as a samurai, especially opponents that it failed to defeat. It infuses itself with the blackest night, and those struck down by Tairisc will see nothing but darkness for the rest of their days. In an emergency, it can detach the two dots on it's disc to use as additional discuses, but they are only strong enough to slice through iron sheets. Tairisc's final form is known as Masakahurl, those face bears resemblance to the samurai's final moments, his head being chopped off by his own friends and family. It arrives with a chant of "Where is my murdered body!? Come here! Reattach my head and let me fight once again!", slicing through even solid mountains as if they were mere sheets of paper as it flies across the night sky. It's two dots have now become athletic hands which can throw energy discs that can send those hit by it directly to the afterlife, and it is a very cunning Pokémon indeed, always knowing when to fling it's discs to the right areas. As Masakahurl flies by, those who witness to it become victim to a deadly plague of darkness.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (18)

Dark/Wierd --> Dark/Wierd --> Dark/Wierd
Based off the Kuro bōzu, Darsell is a mysterious floating sphere of darkness that floats across the night, projecting an aura of shadows as it flies across. This aura causes nightmares to anyone who enters it, and these nightmares persist even after exiting the aura field. There's a common folk belief that if a Darsell appears in a village, it is a sign that a powerful Dark-type Pokémon will soon appear and ravage the village to the ground. Darsell's evolved form is known as Dartuhoch, a strange Pokémon with two huge tongues for arms. It approaches sleeping people at night and licks them with it, draining their breath and causing them to suffer nightmares where they continue being licked, leaving them with a massive state of apathy in the morning. No-one can figure out that this is Dartuhoch's doing as it is a nocturnal species, though it's smell is so putrid, that it makes other people run away from home just to get away from it. It also appears to only approach those with good minds, intending to corrupt them into the forces of darkness. It's final evolved form is known as Darkurora, a true harbinger of eternal darkness. Those that it licks will have their minds replaced with nothing but a void of darkness that thinks of nothing at all, leaving them in a state of eternal sleep. It's tongue is strong enough to wipe out even the brightest of minds in microseconds, and it secretly hides in the darkest of areas, waiting for it's moment to strike. No-one knows why Darkurora is even doing this, but some say it is trying to convince entire villages to disappear from history entirely.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (19)

Dark/Villain --> Dark/Villain --> Dark/Villain
Odoldiers are soldier Pokémon that fight for warlords specializing in evil schemes, such as the head of the Wushido Clan. They gather in large armies and charge towards their enemies, basing their strategy around what they face. Oldoldier's prized weapon it's spear that can pierce through even the toughest of metals, and it sharpens it every day with the corpses of those that it kills. These Pokémon are led by it's evolved form, Sekigaspa, who are more specialized and experienced than it's pre-evolution. Having left the warlord it serves at this stage, it assembles huge armies and brings doom towards anything it sees as a threat. A very cunning strategiest, Sekigaspa can figure out the weak points of it's targets simply by reading their movements, and it's rumored to be the descendant of a warlord who brought the world to his knees. However, it does slightly suffer from a case of overconfidence. It's final form is called Nobunoda, a talented and powerful warlord Pokémon that only aims for the conquest of it's home region. Able to command it's army with extreme loyality, Nobunoda is one of the most feared Pokémon known to man, unifying the world under it's fingertips, and it is a talented warrior when it comes to combat, able to beat any opponent no matter how powerful it is. Some say that Nobunoda even managed to change the rules of the Oriva Region entirely, though it has been confirmed that it was not responsible for the thousand year war that led to the Guardians of the Oriva Region being forgotten.

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (20)


To your absolute shock, the Second Titan Pokémon is'nt a Titan at all...rather, it's a Legendary Dark Mage based off the Godai, the right hand man to the evil that the Wushido Clan is trying to raise! It commands five orbs which are said to be the personifications of the first elements brought to the Pokémon world: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Void, of which the only the first two remain today. These five orbs each command the entire flow of the element within them, and Godyo can use them to create massive natural disasters that can bring doom to the whole world. Godyo was once well celebrated for bringing the elements together to create the Oriva Region, but as time went on, Godyo believed that the elements were being used for the wrong purpose, and when it learnt of the evil, it allied itself with it, believing that once the evil destroys the Oriva Region, Godyo can banish it and build the region once more. It's fully capable of human speech, being one of the few Pokémon that can do so without telepathy, and when it encounters you, it questions why you are defeating the Titan Pokémon for lost memories, telling Chuan that it was built for a far greater purpose that it must stop!
You'll fight Godyo three times across your Pokémon journey, and it's role as the Tyrannical Dark Titan is your first battle with it. His ally Pokémon consist of five Pokémon that each represent his orbs, in the order of Bampoa, Koiwn, Creston, Firon, and Shapasu, and despite not being a Titan in technicality, Godyo still holds a portion of Chuan's power: In this case, it's strategy. Defeating Godyo for the first time will cause him to flee, while promising that they'll meet again, and it will grant Chuan the ability to walk across water, finally opening up the rest of the Oriva Region for exploration. It also causes Chuan to regain it's second lost memory: That the power sealing wasn't for the greater good by all: It was caused by Godyo itself! It is also noteworthy that you cannot catch Godyo until you have completed your Pokémon journey in Oriva.
SIGNITURE MOVE: Chisuikaf*cku: A Power 30 Special Normal Move which has Godyo fire lasers from it's five orbs towards the target. This move hits five times with varying types for each strike: Fire, Water, Flying, Ground, and Psychic, in that order. The fire strike may cause burning, the water strike may apply Aqua Ring to Godyo, the Flying Strike may increase Godyo's speed by 1, the Ground strike may cause flinching, and the Psychic strike may increase Godyo's Special Attack by 1. Each strike will double it's power if there is a Pokémon with the same type as the strike in the party, though if there is a dual-type Pokémon that fulfills two of the strikes, they will only increase their power by 1.5.
First originating from Paldea, the Meal Powers make a return in the Oriva Region, this time granted through special kinds of Sushi! They are made at another familiar feature coming from Paldea, the Picnics, which is also the main source of Pokémon eggs in this region. They are cooked in three simple steps:
1: First, choose a type of rice to apply over the sushi wrapping.
2: Evenly apply the ingredients on the sushi wrapping and roll the sushi up.
3: Carefully chop the sushi into eight halves for you and your Pokémon to eat.
Every Meal Power returns from Paldea, with Raid Power instead increasing the chances of a Pokémon in an Ancient Raid Battle to have an Ancient Move which matches the type of the Raid Power. In addition, Encounter Power can now cause Pokémon not normally found in an area to spawn: most of the time, this will be a pure-type Pokémon matching the Encounter Power's type, but sometimes a special Pokémon can spawn: for example, 12 seperate areas in the Oriva Region each have a very small chance of spawning a Fully Evolved duplicate Starter Pokémon if you have it in the front of your party and it is registered in the Pokédex, with Encounter Power increasing the chances of it spawning!

Pokémon North, South, East, and West: The Largest Sprite Dex ever! Smogon Edition (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.