Storage Wars: What Brandi Passante Is Up To In 2021 (2024)

Brandi Passante from Storage Wars is always linked with Jarrod Schulz, but they've actually broken up, and we've gathered some fascinating facts about Brandi's life this year. Now that Brandi is living a new life as a single woman, fans are very curious about what she's up to. There are some clues that suggest she's got issues with Jarrod, but overall, she's committed to living her best life. Breakups are never easy, and Brandi and Jarrod were a famous couple, so they've both got some adjusting to do. Brandi is definitely strong enough to move past the split.

Brandi joined the cast of Storage Wars in 2010, and the fact that she and Jarrod are no longer together was revealed in the season 13 premiere episode. Brandi has said that her children have medical problems. She's also described herself as a single parent. Since she claims to be doing a lot of the parenting solo, her life is likely extremely busy right now. Known as a crafty and practical entrepreneur, she can use her intelligence and drive to deal with any emotional pain over what happened to her relationship with Jarrod. She can create a new life that may be better than her old life with Jarrod. Jarrod is keeping it low-key on social media lately, perhaps because he has a new girlfriend, Rochel Beckman. He may fear online backlash from Storage Wars fans who want him to be with Brandi.

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Brandi's verified Instagram account, @brandipassante, is the best source for information about her life in 2021. She's been actively posting to let her fans know how she's doing. Storage Wars viewers who followed Brandi and Jarrod noticed that they stopped mentioning each other on their IGs a couple of years ago. So, there were rumors about their relationship being on the rocks before the split was common knowledge. However, most fans didn't know for sure what was going on with Brandi and Jarrod, who were formerly known mostly for the crazy items they found in storage lockers. On April 25, Brandi put on a brave and happy face in a lighthearted IG post, as seen below:

Aside from posting on IG, Brandi has given interviews that shed some light on her breakup and how she's handling it. The truth is that Brandi did share information about the breakup in 2020. She did so while chatting on The Dad Diary podcast. More recently, Brandi, who never did marry Jarrod despite wedding plans, opened up on the Spirit Talk YouTube channel. She said that she isn't seeing anyone in particular at the moment. She is "just going with the flow." Her children are apparently living with her all of the time, and she is very focused on the kids, as seen in the IG post below:

Brandi may have sent fans a message when she cropped Jarrod out of a Storage Wars promo that she posted to social media. She also called him an "idiot" on Storage Wars season 13, although she was criticizing his bidding skills. If she's harboring resentment towards Jarrod, who kept busy before the reboot, she's letting it out in milder ways, rather than attacking him outright. It may take some time before Brandi fully accepts the change in her life, and seeing Jarrod with a new woman may make that process a little tougher for her. However, she's not sitting around brooding, as seen in the IG post below, where she's doing some shooting with female friends:

Brandi and Jarrod's dynamic has shifted and Storage Wars fans will be able to watch their new normal as it unfolds onscreen. If they follow Brandi on social media, they'll also be able to find out how she is navigating life as a single woman. So far, she seems to be doing just fine. It's safe to say that a lot of fans will miss seeing her as Jarrod's partner, but she doesn't need a man to reign on reality TV.

Next:Storage Wars: 15 Secrets The Cast Wants To Bury

Sources:Spirit Talk,@brandipassante,The Dad Diary

  • Reality TV
  • Storage Wars (2010)

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Storage Wars: What Brandi Passante Is Up To In 2021 (2024)


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