Will 2022 Be The Last Big UTMB? (2024)

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With big changes on the horizon for the Ultra-Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) races, this year’s events might be some of the most competitive ever. What does it mean for the future of the Chamonix-based event, and for the future of the sport of trail running?

Is this The Most Competitive UTMB Ever?

The UTMB start list is a who’s who of trail running. There are 172 men with ITRA scores over 800, which is considered elite (International Trail Running Association’s ranking system, used more widely in Europe than the U.S., where points are awarded for competing at races that pay to be a part of the system). It’s the biggest assemblage of elite runners in the world by a long shot, far ahead of contenders like the Western States Endurance Run (while competitive, only a few hundred racers, compared to several thousand). Eight of the world’s top male runners (with the exception of François D’Haene and Adam Peterman) are competing.

For the women’s field, there are 35 entrants ranked over 670 in the ITRA index, which is considered elite. Even with two-time champion Courtney Dauwalter absent, the women’s field will be packed at the top. Statistically speaking (according to ITRA scores of registered participants), the 100K CCC is just as – if not more – competitive than its 106-mile counterpart, the flagship UTMB.

Across the full UTMB series (including all World Series events), there’s room for about 80,000 runners to participate (according to UTMB, they’re at about 75% capacity), and about 10,000 will toe the line in Chamonix. This year, the lottery for CCC was even more competitive than for the 106-mile run around Mont Blanc.

RELATED: Trail Runner’s Guide To UTMB 2022

“The 2022 UTMB is definitely one of the most competitive 100-mile fields ever assembled. The men’s race is highlighted by three past champions who are responsible for seven of the last thirteen victories. Meanwhile, there are zero past champions in the women’s race, leaving the field crazy competitive though without a clear group of favorites,” says Freetrail’s Dylan Bowman, a former UTMB competitor and current announcer for the event. Bowman notes that former champions D’Haene and Dauwalter are not toeing the line this year. “But realistically, I think only 2017’s field can rival 2022.” (2017’s men’s field included D’Haene, Kilian Jornet, Xavier Thevenard, Pau Capell, Dylan Bowman, Tim Tollefson, and Jim Walmsley. The women’s field included Núria Picas, Andrea Huser, Christelle Bard, Alissa St Laurent – and included a simultaneous finish from Kaci Lickteig, Amanda Basham, and Maga Boulet.)

Will 2022 Be The Last Big UTMB? (1)

Corrinne Malcolm, who’s running the 145K (90-mile) TDS on August 23 and who is in charge of the English language coverage for this year’s event series, says context is important when looking at how competitive the field is for this year’s race.

I think it’s really easy to look at the start list for any major race year after year and say ‘this is the most competitive ever,’ and while to a degree the sport as a whole is definitely getting more competitive and the fields are getting deeper, I think broadly we are looking at similar competitive levels from the past five years for most races – including UTMB,” says Malcolm. “While UTMB is definitely a strong field, and there will be a sharp end in both the men’s and women’s races, I think the most impressive growth has actually been in CCC and OCC over the last few years – those races have leveled up. How many men went under the old OCC [course record] last year? This year’s women’s CCC field is a dream! The other major question I have right now is, while the fields look deep as is, how many of those individuals are not making it to the start line due to injury, illness, or other responsibilities? And how many of them cooked themselves in earlier season races and are tacking on a UTMB race as the “end of the season”? This historically does not work well for people.”

Changing Rules and the Future of UTMB

Starting in 2023, runners who want to compete in the Chamonix UTMB races (OCC, CCC, TDS and UTMB) need to have acquired at least one Running Stone in the last two years and have a registered UTMB Index (previously ITRA score) to compete. Whereas elite athletes used to be able to skip the lottery with a high enough ITRA score, elites will now have to compete in at least one of twenty-three UTMB World Series events to have a shot at running in Chamonix. A Running Stone is essentially a lottery ticket to compete in the UTMB World Series Finals (the races in Chamonix: OCC, CCC, TDS, UTMB, etc), and each Stone athletes earn gives them an additional chance to get in via the lottery.

This new system mandates participation in “by UTMB” events around the world. In the U.S., runners need to compete in the Western States Endurance Run (already a prominent lottery event) the Canyons Endurance Runs, or Speedgoat Mountain races. There are also UTMB World Series events in Mexico, Thailand, Hong Kong, and China.

Whereas elite athletes used to be able to skip the lottery with a high enough ITRA score, elites will now have to compete in at least one of twenty-three UTMB World Series events to have a shot at running in Chamonix.

“This will be very interesting to observe in the coming years,” says Bowman. “While the changes might level the playing field and likely improve fairness between pro and amateur athletes, I suspect it might reduce competitive density in the future, simply because it adds friction to the elite registration process.”

Top athletes like Dauwalter and D’Haene haven’t yet raced in a UTMB World Series event, and according to the race series, UTMB will save some “wild card” entries for top-level elites. The top three runners in a World Series event get automatic entry to the Chamonix races, though the exact qualifying races may change year to year. For UTMB Major Races, the top ten athletes at the 50K, 100K and 100M distance earn a spot at UTMB. While there isn’t yet a major in the U.S (Canyons, Western States, and Speedgoat are World Series races, not UTMB Major events), a source at the race organization says that they hope to get one in the works soon.

Malcolm agrees that the changes will likely affect how competitive UTMB championship events are.

“The change in rules actually makes me really concerned for the depth of the elite field,” Malcolm says. “I honestly think it has a possibility of shrinking the fields for next year. The pressure for the pro fields to make it to a UTMB series race is a complication – particularly if you race at the longer distances and are trying to get a qualifier in June for example (when there are so many). Is that the perfect prep race if you may have to go to the well to secure a top three there only to show up in Chamonix six weeks later?”

Will 2022 Be The Last Big UTMB? (2)

And it’s not just the logistics. Money is a serious question for athletes considering qualifying for UTMB.

“From a socioeconomic standpoint, the new stones system has made it even harder for middle class runners to have the opportunity to run UTMB,” says Finn Melanson, host of the Singletrack podcast. Now, in addition to funding a trip to Chamonix for the championship races, runners also have to pony up for another UTMB race. Previously, runners could get points toward UTMB at local events. Now, they’ll have to travel to one of just a few qualifying events around the globe. “That said, this is great news for local and independent races, if more runners voluntarily or involuntarily opt out of pursuing UTMB because of the changes.”

What Does it Mean for the Future of Trail Running?

So, how will these consolidations affect most of us trail runners? Melanson thinks that it’s not all bad news when it comes to growing the sport.

“There isn’t a single case study (that I’m aware of) indicating that a sport has significantly grown their fan base by focusing on the grassroots (increasing participation at younger ages and/or community levels). It all happens by improving the product and associated media coverage at the very top end of the sport,” says Melanson. “Time and time again (ex: NFL, NBA, MLB) the successful playbook has been to invest around the professionals in the sport..”

The UTMB Live platform will provide coverage for seven of the series’ events, so fans can livestream races in Nice, France; Thailand; Val d’Aran, Spain; and Verbier, Switzerland, among others. Viewers will be able to track amateurs and elites alike with a new, in-depth platform.

Melanson thinks consolidation of UTMB events could be a positive step for trail running because it concentrates more talent on fewer start lines – making a few choice races more competitive. He does, however, wish that UTMB’s version of a “golden ticket series” was getting more attention. Twenty-five races around the world will grant female and male podium finishers (not to mention the top ten finishers of all the Major races) automatic entry to UTMB, making those smaller races more exciting to watch for fans of the sport of ultrarunning.

“My hope is that this gives younger athletes the incentive to take a gradual approach to the sport, developing over longer time horizons, and hopefully enhancing career longevity for the best athletes,” says Bowman.

Time will tell how the new strategy plays out, but it’s clear that there are pro’s and cons to the coalescence of power and attention in the sport. All eyes will be on Chamonix next week at one of our sport’s most competitive races ever, and one thing is for sure: it will be a history-making race.

Will 2022 Be The Last Big UTMB? (2024)


What percent of people finish UTMB? ›

Nearly half of the racers don't finish

Although thousands of participants enter the UTMB every year, nearly half of them don't make it across the finish line. The exact percentage varies, depending on the year, but the dropout rate averages around 40%. A variety of factors can lead to the demise of participants.

Has an American man ever won UTMB? ›

The Arizona runner who lives in France became the first U.S. man to win the epic race, just ahead of Zach Miller. New perk! Get after it with local recommendations just for you.

What is the controversy with UTMB World Series? ›

The rapid growth has provoked a backlash as runners wondered if the sport was becoming too commercial. The tension came to a head last year when UTMB announced a race in Whistler, Canada, seemingly at the expense of a local race which had been unable to get a permit despite operating in Whistler for years.

How many people have died during UTMB? ›

There were zero fatalities reported during the first 17 years of the UTMB events, but it has now suffered two deaths in the past two years.

Why is UTMB so hard? ›

UTMB has many 1,000m-1,500m (3,000-5,000 feet) descents at 20%+ grade that are primarily non-technical. Most runners don't have access in training to descents this long and steep. Trails this long and steep is also typically more technical, which results in a different pace and different stresses on your body.

Why are people boycotting UTMB? ›

An ultrarunning coach in Chamonix, France, has posted an email, purportedly from four-time UTMB winner Kilian Jornet and 2023 second-place finisher Zach Miller, asking him to consider boycotting the race as a protest against what they see as unfair and harmful business practices.

What is the prize money for UTMB? ›

In 2022 and 2023, UTMB said it paid out about €156,000 in total prize money (or $162,000) to the top 10 men and women finishers of the UTMB, CCC, and OCC races. That included roughly $10,400 to the winners of each of those races, with approximately $5,200 going to second-place finishers and $3,125 for third.

How many times has Kilian won UTMB? ›

Meanwhile, the PTRA clarified that it was in no way involved in the letter Jornet and Miller sent. Jornet is a four-time UTMB champion (most recently in 2022), while Miller is a four-time top-10 finisher since 2016, a span that includes his runner-up finish to Jim Walmsley last year.

Can anyone run UTMB? ›

You need to have a valid UTMB® index, this means you must have completed a race in the desired category. For example, to be able to enter the lottery for the UTMB 100M race you must have completed an event in the 100M category.

Is UTMB owned by Ironman? ›

According to UTMB, their company has the majority ownership; Ironman has a minority stake, and there is no option for Ironman to take control of UTMB.

Can you have pacers at UTMB? ›

No pacers are allowed at the UTMB, so that's an easy one to deal with. On the subject of support crews, these are allowed for everyone but rules are tight and change by the year. Support is only allowed at certain checkpoints, and then only within specified areas at those checkpoints.

How many UTMB runners are there? ›

The Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) is one of the world's best known endurance running events, taking place each August. It is the centrepiece of a week-long event named after it, the UTMB World Series Finals. Based in Chamonix, France, it sees almost 10,000 runners compete in seven different races.

Has an American ever won UTMB? ›

With the finish arc in view, he slows to a walk and savours the final moments as he crosses the line in a time of 19:37:43. Years of training and sacrifice with one sole goal in mind, and today he has achieved it. Walmsley becomes the first-ever American to win the UTMB. “I felt pretty strong all night, comparatively.

How many people don't finish UTMB? ›

In 2022, there were 2,795 starters in the UTMB, the 171 km event around the Mont-Blanc massif. Of the starters, there were only 1789 finishers. A completion rate of only 64%! There are many different reasons that runners don't arrive back into Chamonix under the 46.5 hour cutoff time.

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She repeated as overall winner of the race in 2003. In 2002, her win also set the women's course record at the time. In the last few years, about 90 people have competed in each race, with 20–40% failing to reach the finish line. There have been no fatalities.

How hard is it to finish UTMB? ›

However, not every athlete who starts the race is able to finish. In 2022, there were 2,795 starters in the UTMB, the 171 km event around the Mont-Blanc massif. Of the starters, there were only 1789 finishers. A completion rate of only 64%!

How many people compete in UTMB? ›

The Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) is one of the world's best known endurance running events, taking place each August. It is the centrepiece of a week-long event named after it, the UTMB World Series Finals. Based in Chamonix, France, it sees almost 10,000 runners compete in seven different races.

How many people finish ultra marathons? ›

Ultra Marathons are run around the world with more than 600,000 people completing them every year.

How many people dnf UTMB? ›

For context, from 2,347 starters there were 826 DNFs at the 2021 UTMB, including most of the pre-race favourites, many of them at Courmayer, aka 'DNF Central'. And I can only think of two elite ultrarunners who haven't ever DNF'd during their careers (both female, incidentally).


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