Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • A two-step frying process ensures the tots will have a moist interior and crispy golden exterior.
  • Making tots from scratch provides the opportunity to customize them with a plethora of flavor combinations.
  • Freeze par-fried tots for long-term storage and fry them straight from frozen.

Raise your hand if you like Tater Tots. (And remember, it's the Internet, so no one can see you.)

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (1)

Everyone, right? I thought so. They get a bum rap in public, and it's a travesty, because they are perhaps the second-most-awesomest crisp-on-the-outside tender-in-the-center fried potato-based snack ever conceived, giving French fries a run for their money. In fact, I'd even go so far as to say that Tater Tots are better than all but the very best French fries, and how often do you get the very best fries?

Tater-Tots themselves are a registered trademark version of frozen hash browns made by the Ore-Ida company, and I credit them with the incredible feat of both popularizing tater tots and giving them their negative reputation. It's all because of the silly name. What self-respecting adult can come right out and say that they like a food that's so clearly marketed towards kids? The alternative brand names—including but not limited to Tater Treats, Mexi-Nuggets, Potato Locos, Potato Pom-Poms, Oven Crunchies, and Tasti Taters—are no better.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (2)

Yet why is it that in every Spanish or Portuguese-speaking country in the world, potato croquetas are considered a perfectly reasonable—even desirable—dish for a fully grown man to consume. You can even eat them while drinking beer! I'd argue that Tater Tots easily trounce croquetas in every good measure of gastronomic superiority. Let me explain: With their fluffy, potato-y interior, they are more delicious than their creamy European cousins. They take considerably more skill to make than a croqueta (of the numerous times I've ordered house-made "Tater Tots" at various hipster restaurants, I can count on no hands the number of times they were any good). Thanks to their large surface area and craggy exterior, they are far crisper. It seems like no contest to me, and I'd forthwith like to rescue Tater Tots from the depths of culinary mediocrity their reputation has fallen to.

Of course, that means exploring them from start to finish by making them in my own kitchen.

Hot for Tots

First off, what exactly is in a Tater Tot? Thanks to the strict protocols put in place by the USDA, that information is quite easy to come by.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (3)

In case you didn't know this already, the ingredients on packaged food are always listed in order of mass, which means that Tater Tots, unsurprisingly, are mostly potato, followed by vegetable oil, salt, corn flour (a pure starch), onions (presumably in powdered form), dextrose (a simple sugar also known as glucose), disodium dihydrogen pyrophosphate (an antioxidant that prevents potatoes from turning brown), and natural flavoring.

This is not a particularly surprising list, but there was one point of interest that I figured would be helpful further down the line: there is more added salt in Tater Tots than added starch. Since human taste buds can only tolerate around a 2% salt level before things start tasting really salty, I could assume that the added starch is therefore less than 2% of the overall weight of the finished product. Write that down in your notebooks.

Next phase: deconstruction.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (4)

I placed a bunch of frozen Tots inside a fine-mesh strainer under cold running water and proceeded to wash them until all the excess oil and starch fell away from the potato pieces. What I was left with was this:

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (5)

A whole bunch of pieces of chipped, cooked potato.

No surprise here. What's more interesting is the history of Tater Tots. Tater Tots were invented in 1953 by the Ore-Ida company as a means to use up all the scraps of potato and misshapen fries they had leftover from French Fry production, hence the irregular chipped appearance of their debris. It was a happy side effect that these tiny chipped pieces worked together to increase the surface area of the Tots and maximize crispness. If only all side effects were so happy!

That I was able to collect these chipped potatoes was good news: Since I was starting with the exact same potato pieces as a real Tater Tot, it meant I could isolate the second phase of the recipe in order to figure out what was being used to bind them.

I started by adding 2% salt, 1.5% cornstarch, a pinch of sugar (I just used table sugar instead of glucose), and a dash of onion powder (no preservatives or "natural flavorings" were on hand, unfortunately). I compressed the mixture into tot-shaped pieces and fried them off.

No good. The Tots came out totally mushy, almost gummy. Thinking I added too much starch, I tried reducing the amount until I was at a point where the Tots just fell apart in the oil. Even with the bare minimum of starch, they were still coming out too gummy.

I switched tracks, this time thinking to myself, if Ore-Ida uses French fry scraps, perhaps I should too?


I reached for a bag of frozen that I always have sitting in my freezer and tossed them in the food processor to go for a spin. To the crunched-up fries, I added my starch and other seasonings.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (7)

The results were spot-on: crisp, moist, and fluffy.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (8)

Why is it that the frozen fries worked perfectly, but the bits of Ore-Ida potatoes turned to mush?

Then it hit me: when I was rinsing off those potatoes, I wasn't just rinsing away starch and flavorings. I was also rinsing away oil—a whole lot of it. I'd assumed that the oil content of the Tater Tots came 100% from the deep-frying process (they are par-fried before being frozen and bagged), but the fact that my oil-coated French fries worked out so well indicated that there was most likely oil inside the Tots as well.

Anyone who's tried my French fry recipe, knows that it's long-winded and finicky, to say the least (much like my articles). Was there really no way to make great Tater Tots without first having to make great fries? What role was the oil playing anyway?

Well, here's the thing. We know that what keeps the Tater Tots stuck together is a combination of two pretty sticky things: moist starches and proteins. The more they come in contact with each other, the stickier they become, and the tighter/gummier the Tater Tots will be. Oil can lubricate individual pieces of potato and starch, preventing them from rubbing up against each other too hard. Oil is like a chastity belt for starches that just really wanna get it on.

In this respect, Tater Tots in many ways are like a pie crust. In order to get a pie crust that's both flaky and tender, you need to get the right balance of moistened flour proteins to give it structure, while at the same time adding enough fat (in the form of butter, lard, or shortening) to prevent the flour proteins from turning into one giant, stiff, leathery sheet.

Knowing this, I tried another simple test: I cut a couple potatoes into rough chunks and lowered them into a wokful of hot oil, cooking them just until they were softened through and a very pale golden brown. I let these potatoes cool, then pulsed them a few times in the food processor to get the slivers I needed. After adding in my starch, salt, and sugar, I re-fried them.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (9)

Total success! In your face, Ore-Ida!

Thus far, I'd managed to pull together a near-identical homemade version of a packaged Tater Tot. What's the problem with that? Well, why on earth would anybody bother peeling, frying, chopping, shaping and re-frying their own Tots when you can easily buy a package of frozen ones that are just as good?

One word: Bacon. Two words: Bacon and cheddar. And chives. Three words. Bacon, cheddar, and chives. And pepperoni. Amongst the ingredients that can be added to homemade Tater Tots are such diverse elements as... ah, forget it.

One different word: Customization.

As soon as we saw SE member Cassaendra's photo of the Sweet Potato Tots from Original Steak & Hoagies on her Flickr account, we got the flavor wheels turning here at the office, coming up with Pepperoni Pizza Tots, Twice Baked Potater-Tots (with sour cream for dipping!), Spanish Chorizo Tater-Tots (nobody expects the Spanish Tater Tots!), Sweet PoTater Tots (with a touch of honey!), and Buffalo Tater Tots, amongst others. Once the basic technique is down, it's really easy to add in whatever flavorings you'd like (and of course, we'd love to hear your best ideas).

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (10)

The only thing you have to be careful of is this:

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (11)

Add too many flavorings, and your Tots won't hold together when you fry them, which'll not only mess up your snack, it'll also send annoying bits of potato swimming around the oil, which will then have to be filtered before you can start over.

And don't overprocess. Two things you have to be careful about. When processing the potatoes, do not overprocess them, or they will turn to glue, quite literally. Pulse them just enough to break them down. If a few large pieces of potatoes remain, no problem—break them up with your fingers in the bowl. Overprocessing will release a ton of starch, and all the oil in the world ain't going to help.

I did find that if you accidentally overprocess, you can actually add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon or so of baking powder to the mix and it'll help keep things a little lighter. That's last-ditch effort problem-solving though. Better not to get yourself into that mess in the first place.


Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (12)

As far as shaping the Tots goes, you can go free-form or ball-shaped if you'd like, but for the traditional cylindrical version, I found the best way was to employ the nigirizushi method, using one hand to form the round sides of the cylinder while using the finger and thumb of your other hand to flatten the top and bottom. It's really quite easy once you get the hang of it.

I found that the best way to freeze the Tots is to do it the Ore-Ida way: par-fry them for half the time, then spread them on a sheet tray and place it in the freezer. Once the Tots are completely frozen, you can transfer them to a freezer bag for long-term storage. You can fry them straight from frozen. Just like with fries, freezing actually improves their texture!

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (13)

Perhaps with these upgraded Tots, we'll finally be able to elevate their status to the lofty heights it deserves!

Once you've read the full recipe, make sure to read the recipe notes for all of our variations!

March 25, 2011

Recipe Details

Homemade Tater Tots

Prep30 mins

Cook35 mins

Active30 mins

Total65 mins

Serves4 servings


  • 2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and cut into rough 1-inch chunks

  • 2 quarts peanut, vegetable, or canola oil

  • 2 teaspoons kosher salt

  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch orpotato starch

  • 1/2 teaspoon sugar

  • Freshly ground black pepper


  1. Place potatoes in a bowl of cold water and agitate for 10 seconds. Transfer to a fine-mesh strainer and allow to drain for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat oil in large wok or Dutch oven over high heat to 350°F (177°C). Fry potatoes, stirring them with a wire spider until light golden brown and tender, 6 to 8 minutes, adjusting flame to maintain oil temperature. Transfer to a paper towel-lined bowl and allow to cool for 10 minutes. Reduce heat to low.

    Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (14)

  2. Transfer 1/4 of the potatoes to the bowl of a food processor and pulse until broken down into rough 1/4- to-1/8 inch pieces, about 8 one-second pulses. Transfer to a mixing bowl and repeat with the remaining potatoes, working in 3 more batches.

    Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (15)

  3. Add salt, starch, sugar, black pepper to taste, and any flavorings if desired. Gently mix with your hands to combine. Shape into cylinders about 3/4-inch wide and 1-inch long.

    Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (16)

  4. Reheat oil to 350°F and add Tater Tots. Allow to fry for 1 minute, then gently agitate with a metal spider to separate them. Continue to cook, adjusting flame to maintain heat, until golden brown and crisp, about 4 minutes longer. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate to drain. Season immediately with salt. Serve hot.

    Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (17)

Special Equipment

Food processor, wok or Dutch oven for deep-frying

Make Ahead and Storage

To freeze the Tots, follow the recipe through step 3. In step 4, remove them from the fryer after 1 1/2 minutes and drain on a paper towel-lined plate. Transfer to a sheet tray or large plate in a single layer and place in freezer for at least one hour. Transfer the frozen tots to a zipper-lock freezer bag and store for up to three months.


These are some of our favorite tried and tested flavor variations.

Pepperoni Pizza Tots: To the basic Tater Tots recipe, add a tablespoon of minced fresh oregano, 2 ounces of grated mozzarella cheese, and 2 ounces of finely chopped pepperoni. Fry as directed.

Chorizo Tots: Add 3 ounces of finely diced Spanish-style dry-cured chorizo. Serve dusted with smoked paprika, a lemon wedge, and mayonnaise, preferably homemade. These were probably my favorite variation.

Buffalo Tots: Add 2 to 3 ounces of finely crumbled blue cheese to the potato mixture before frying. Toss the fried Tots with Buffalo sauce and serve with extra blue cheese, if you'd like.

Twice-Baked Potater Tots: Add 6 slices of cooked, finely crumbled bacon and 2 ounces of grated cheddar cheese to the basic Tot recipe. Serve with sour cream and chives (or scallions).

Spicy Breakfast Tots: Add a couple ounces of finely chopped cooked breakfast sausage along with 1/4 to 1/2 of a jalapeño pepper, finely chopped (ribs and seeds removed). I like these with a bit of maple syrup drizzled on top.

Sweet Potater Tots: Follow directions for regular tots, substituting sweet potatoes for regular potatoes. The Tots will come out slightly darker and not quite as crisp. Unfortunately, that's the nature of the beast with sweet potatoes.

Homemade Tater Tots Recipe (2024)


What makes tater tots stick together? ›

We know that what keeps the Tater Tots stuck together is a combination of two pretty sticky things: moist starches and proteins. The more they come in contact with each other, the stickier they become, and the tighter/gummier the Tater Tots will be.

How do I get the crispiest tater tots? ›

A slightly longer cook time makes the most delicious difference in both the taste and texture of tater tots. A longer cook time will cause the tots to shrink and dry out a little, which makes them even crispier all around on the outside with a potato-y center that's more dense and creamy.

Are tater tots just hash browns? ›

Are Tater Tots Hash Browns ? Tater Tots and Hashbrowns are very very similar,the main difference between these two dishes is the spicing. Both are best made with Russet Potatoes as they are dry and high in starch, making them perfect for crispy fried potato dishes such as french fries and tater tots.

How do you fry tater tots so they don't fall apart? ›

First, make sure they aren't frozen together before they go into the oil. I like to hang the basket with the food in it over the oil as the oil is heating. Then I give the basket a shake before it gets immersed.

Why are my homemade tater tots falling apart? ›

The patties made from fresh potatoes are a bit hard to hold together. NOTE: it is very important to let the tots fry long enough on the first side before turning them, as turning them too soon will result in their falling apart. Mine took roughly 6-7 minutes per side to turn golden brown.

What are the black specks in tater tots? ›

A: Black spots in potatoes are mostly attributed to internal bruises or the result of sugar concentrations brought on by any of several pre or post-harvest conditions and are generally harmless. However, the black spots could also be an early concentration of decay.

What's the difference between potato puffs and tater tots? ›

Potato puffs is simply a fancy name for a homemade tater tot. And let me tell you, tater tots have never tasted this good. The secret to success is using panko crumbs, which are a Japanese-type bread crumb and produce a lighty and crispy coating.

Why aren t my tater tots crispy? ›

Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C) before baking the frozen tater tots. This high temperature will help them become crispy without becoming soggy.

What to season tater tots with? ›

Some popular seasonings for tater tots include garlic powder, onion powder, paprika, cayenne pepper, seasoned salt, and Italian seasoning. You can also experiment with different herbs and spices to create unique flavor combinations.

Are tater tots unhealthy? ›

Warning: There's absolutely nothing healthy or nutritionally redeeming about “tater tots.” They're straight up junk food, loaded with fat and salt. But they're also crispy, salty and simply irresistible — no matter what your age. Ore-Ida's Tater Tots were invented in Oregon in 1953 as a way to use up potato scraps.

What nationality is tater tots? ›

United States

Why are tater tots not fries? ›

A tater tot is different because it's a bunch of little potato pieces mushed into a shotgun shell and THEN fried. It's an aggregation of potato meat, just like a McNugget.

Should you salt tater tots before or after cooking? ›

Salt: Omit if the tots have salt added already. You can always salt them when they come out of the oven if needed. Preheat the pan. Placing the frozen tots on a hot pan helps the exterior to begin crisping faster.

How do you keep tater tots crispy? ›

If you're cooking for more than one serving size worth of tater tots but want to keep them warm while the next batch student is cooking, a good trick will be to keep them in the oven at a temperature of 200°F. They'll remain crispy and delicious until they're all cooked.

How long to fry tater tots in oil? ›

Fry until they're golden brown and crispy, about 3-4 minutes, turning occasionally for even cooking. Remove the tater tots from the oil using a slotted spoon and place them on a plate lined with paper towels to drain any excess oil.

How do you cook tater tots without them sticking together? ›

Use a Baking Sheet

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil. This will prevent the tater tots from sticking to the pan and make for easy cleanup. Arrange the tater tots in a single layer on the baking sheet, ensuring that they are not touching each other.

Why aren't my tater tots getting crispy? ›

You want them crispy, tater tots need to be cooked at a high temperature for this to happen. 375-400F is great, I find 375F the sweet spot to get them crispy but to also cook the inside before the outside burns.

How do you fix frozen tater tots? ›

Roast a bag (about 32-oz.) of tater tots in a 425°F oven or air fryer until they're crisp all over.


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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.