βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  π˜Ώπ™€π™‘π™„π˜Όπ™‰π™π™Ž.   βΈ»   oc superpower rp。   open。 (2024)

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Our Progress

15 April 2024

  • Created the roleplay and started major planning for the details and whatnot.

16 April 2024

  • Opened the roleplay to the public.

Date Here

  • Update information goes here.

Date Here

  • Update information goes here.

About The Roleplay

Welcome to DEVIANTS RP β€” an OC superpower AU hosting heroes, villains, and everything in between! The roleplay is simple so that muns can be as creative as they want to be in their endeavors, but to give it some sort of setting, it takes place in the fictional town called "The Haven" in an ambiguous location for plotting purposes. If you need a specific location to tie it to, though, we have the ficitional city Blackvale, Nevada that's somewhere on the outskirts of Area 51.

Make sure you check out our FAQ and our Navigation tab pages for more info! You won't need to read every little thing right away, but all the information is there to give you an idea of the world and how it operates. There is a mobile version of the rules on the actual rules page!

Rules & Guidelines

Read this carefully though to prevent any potential mistakes.

general rules!

BEFORE RESERVING ⊹ Favorite the RP to be accepted. Upvote if you like us. We will not accept accounts made the same day or week they request a faceclaim as they have a tendency to be deleted without prior notice. We reserve the right to decline your entry for the sake of keeping community comfort and peace.

DISCLAIMER ⊹ Admins reserve the right to reject any application we see as problematic. That being said, absolutely no ooc drama though ic drama is welcome. We are an easy going rp filled with laid back people who wish to only vibe. If you cause trouble to the point where an admin has to step in they will take action how they see fit. Whether that means you get a warning or get removed depends on what you did.

DATING & BONDING ⊹ There is no dating ban for now and we will accept move in couples under the circ*mstance that they will not bubble rp and form connections and also just have conversations with other people. We cannot stop you from face chasing, but we do discourage it and hope you give everyone a fair chance. Do not bubble rp or chat and try to refrain from excessive inside jokes. Of course you may talk to your significant other and friends, but if they're the only people you talk to, then you will be given a warning. Make everyone feel welcomed.

MATURE CONTENT & IC DRAMA ⊹ Do not try to talk or send explicit photos in chats, save that for PMs, walls, or anywhere else where prying eyes aren't. The safe word is "code red." Also know that I will allow in character drama and mature content that isn't ual (like violence, for example) and such in public threads. Just be sure you a) make sure to include trigger/content warnings for things when appropriate, b) have the consent of all involved parties, and c) keep it out of public spheres (ie: chats) if you wouldn't feel comfortable writing it in a class or text to your parents.

IC & OOC ⊹ Keep OOC and IC separate. If the conversation is OOC and will exceed more than 5 posts, use the OOC room. If it is IC, keep it IC. You will be expected to use brackets any time you post OOC in IC spaces. Please also be civil with other participants in the RP and do not speak ill of any roleplays or roleplayers. If you have an issue that directly affects your experience in the roleplay, please approach the admin team directly to voice your concerns. OOC drama is not tolerated under any circ*mstance. The p.ss.wrd you seek is a one sentence connection you might need for your muse and the safeword. Please handle your issues among yourselves and involve the admins if needed. We ask that you also provide screenshots of the situation so we can better handle the issue as we will not take your word for it.

LEAVING ⊹ If leaving, PM an admin character (the President or Vice President characters) and then detail the reason why you're leaving. Failure to do so will result in you being banned from the roleplay and having your character(s) deleted. If you PM any non-admin characters, I will ban you and delete your character(s). I will also delete your character and ban you if I have to remove you for anything other than inactivity. Make sure you save everything you find important.

roleplaying rules!

DISCLAIMER ⊹ By joining, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own activity and putting yourself out there for threads and writing. You also acknowledge that this is a community-driven rp and as such will keep in mind that the community is in charge of maintaining things like events and general engagement. The admins are still here to assist, but at the end of the day, it is up to all of YOU to make the roleplay how you want it to be.

PROFILES & INFO ⊹ You must set up a DP within your first 24 hours or you'll be kicked you out. You also have two weeks from when you're tagged in the welcome room to have at least the basics of a profile up. What constitutes the basics? OOC information, general stats, personality or backstory information, and information on their powers and weaknesses. You also have three weeks for a full profile, which includes the previously mentioned plus two connection or plot ideas. I'm not going to strictly enforce this, tbh, but please at least make an effort. It's more so people have an easier time plotting.

muse rules!

MUSE NAMES ⊹ This RP is an OC (Original Character) RP. Muses in this roleplay are to be given OC names that are not alternate versions of their name or stage names (i.e. "Olivia Hye" instead of Son Hyejoo, "Jennifer Huh" instead of Heo Yunjin, or "RM" instead of Kim Namjoon). OC names must be unrelated to the IRL face claim. In addition to this, you will need a codename for your muse to go by if they have powers.

MUSE AGES ⊹ You are allowed to modify your muse's physical age by 3 years up or down as long as they remain at least 21 years old internationally. Due to the concept of the roleplay, however, some muses will technically be older than they appear. I encourage you to get creative with your backstories!

RESTRICTIONS ⊹ Face claims must be 21 and older internationally. When reserving them, please comment with the comment format. There is a list of already taken face claims located next to the rules. All reservations last for 24 hours. The following are things to note when requesting a face claim:

  • Your FC must be 21+ internationally.
  • Your FC must not have publicly stated they do not want to be RPed.
  • Your FC must not be involved in any significant scandals/crimes.
  • Your FC must not be a cosplayer or an adult entertainer.
  • I don't care what ethnicity your FC is.
  • Also not against FCs that are some kind of influencer or content creator, but they must have at least 750k followers or whatever term applies.
  • If you know your FC is going to be hard to look up, please provide a link to where I can find who you're talking about.

ADDITIONAL MUSES ⊹ More information on this will be provided in the character request room, but there is no limit to additional muses at the moment as long as all requirements for getting new characters are met.

OTHER NOTES ⊹ We allow face claims and muses of all orientations, genders, ethnicities, etc. as long as they abide by the restrictions above.

activity rules!

NOTICE ⊹ I won't be hounding you about activity tbh. Just make sure you communicate if you're busy and if your muse is low and stuff so I know you still care about being here. I will say, though, if you're inactive at any point, you must still have at least one ongoing thread up so that I know you're not hogging face claims.

POST FREQUENCY ⊹ Inactivity is set to 15 days and starts after you start at least 1 public thread or post on your wall at the moment. You probably won't get kicked for having the inactive sign up as long as you communicate with the rest of us why it's there. If you ghost and go MIA without some kind of message or warning, though, I'll kick you out. You can always come back.

NOTE ⊹ All points are automatically off unless in IC rooms. This is so you can see how active you actually are as you write.

How to join

Please read through all of the rules and read this part (the How to Join section) very carefully. After that, use the following format to comment. Those who do not will be ignored.

comment format!

β€œ[ OC Name ] has deviated from their life as [ Group + Member ] and now roams the world as [ Codename ], a [ Hero/Villain/Outer ] with the power of [ Power ]!”

  1. EX1: β€œMaira Eom has deviated from their life as Actress Lee Jooyoung and now roams the world as Reader, a villain with the power of Psychometry.”
  2. EX2: β€œGeon Hyuk has deviated from their life as BTS Jeon Jungkook and now roams the world as Brutus, a hero with the power of Super Strength.”
  3. EX3: β€œCecilia Shapiro has deviated from their life as Singer Sabrina Carpenter and now roams the world as Lyr, an outer with the power of Siren Physiology.”

You don't actually have to come up with a full last name yet, just an initial. You must comment with all information asked for in the comment format.

The following is what you would put in your official application and submit when you go to apply for your character. Again, make sure you've read over everything clearly, then use the following format to apply. Those who do not will be ignored.

official application!

Face Claim Portion

  1. Name
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Claim to Fame (group name or job)

Muse Portion

  1. OC Name
  2. Codename
  3. OC Age + DOB (include the year)
  4. Species (if it differs from "human mutant," please specify)
  5. Mutation/Power (see the FAQ for more information)
  6. Weaknesses (2 minimum per power AND sub-power)
  7. Classification (hero, villain, or outer)
  8. Archetype (see the room for it)
  9. Moral Alignment
  10. Occupation (If applicable)

Mun Portion

  1. Timezone (In GMT format, please.)
  2. OOC Age
  3. Password (read for it)

Current ROSTER

* NOTE: If bolded with a star, they are an admin. If italicized, they are reserved. Pluses indicate if they allow twins or not. Names and groups are in alphabetical order.

β€” Xu Jiaqi (Tempest): atmokinesis.

β€” Park Junhee(Reaction Master): crowd control.β˜…

β€” Kim Minjeong (Subject 13) + : super strength, self-healing.
β€”Ning Yizhuo (Poison Ivy): chlorokinesis.
β€” YuJimin (Q-bit) + : technopathy.β˜…

β€” Jung Jinsoul (Riot): hemokinesis, monster physiology.β˜…

β€” f*ckutomi Tsuki (Screech):supersonic scream, teleportation through supersonic screams.

β€” Park Chaeyoung (Rem):memory absorption, power absorption.

β€” Bae Jinyoung (Puppeteer) + :shadow manipulation.

β€” Byun Baekhyun (Hiro): invisibility.
β€” Kim Jongin (Saturn) + :flight,wings.

β€” Huh Yunjin (Phoenix): ash resurrection, fire embodiment.

β€” Na Jaemin (Snake Eyes) + :electrokinesis, basilisk eyes. β˜…
β€” Ten Chittaphon (Incognito): shapeshifting, zoopathy. β˜…

β€” Choi Yewon (Blossom):floral energy manipulation,empathetic plant manipulation.

β€” Bae Joohyun(Kitsune):tail manifestation, fox demon physiology.
β€” Kang Seulgi (Lilith):siren physiology,sound manipulation.

β€” Park Wonbin (Snow Angel):cryokinesis andhydrokinesis.

β€” Jeon Wonwoo (Abyss):aquatic adaptation,aquatic life manipulation.
β€” Wen Junhui (Lazarus / Hell Raiser):dark magic andnecromancy.

β€” Hwang Hyunjin (Mimic):superpower replication, vocal replication.

β€” Minatozaki Sana (Pandora):emotion manipulation, weaponry creation.

** Last updated 16April 2024 (12:43 GMT-7).

current fc wishes!


  • GROUP: member, member...
  • GROUP: member, member...


  • GROUP: member, member...

key: regular wish, urgent wish

** Last updated 15 April 2024 (19:35 GMT-7).

βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  π˜Ώπ™€π™‘π™„π˜Όπ™‰π™π™Ž.   βΈ»   oc superpower rp。   open。 (8)

Event/Announcement Title Here

Information about the event goes here and you can type as much as you want because this scrolls. For the picture, make sure it's a header type photo so it's not too big, but also make sure it isn't too small.

This paragraph exists in case you need another one. You don't need to keep it though.


βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  π˜Ώπ™€π™‘π™„π˜Όπ™‰π™π™Ž.   βΈ»   oc superpower rp。   open。 (9)

Featured for something really cool! (Originality, points, threads, etc)


βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  π˜Ώπ™€π™‘π™„π˜Όπ™‰π™π™Ž.   βΈ»   oc superpower rp。   open。 (10)

Featured for something really cool! (Originality, points, threads, etc)


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xiaonuo5 hours ago

will be claiming snow angel a little later on!

daddyskitten-7 hours ago

Didn't know it was opened. I'd apply for poison ivy soon β™‘

lilybun11 hours ago

claiming abyss and blossom tonight!

kigurumi15 hours ago

claiming pandora soon! β™‘

seulgae15 hours ago

I'll claim Kitsune and Subject 13 later!!!

mikadzuki18 hours ago

claiming puppeteer in a bit!
+ question, since my muse only has one main power and no sub-power does that mean i'll have to list 5 weaknesses or will 2 suffice?

euphrosyne19 hours ago

βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  claiming huh yunjin & wen junhui!

scammer19 hours ago

i'll apply for tempest and lilith soon!

cthuwu19 hours ago

Claiming Tsuki soon although it appears I’ve maxed out the application character limit so is there any other way I can send my app?

himbos [A]20 hours ago

βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  ᴅᴇᴠΙͺα΄€Ι΄α΄›s  ″  ɴᴏᴛᴇs!
βΈΊ   please see the reserve & apply room for a copy and paste form of the comment format and application form.

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βœΆβ€ƒ ╱  π˜Ώπ™€π™‘π™„π˜Όπ™‰π™π™Ž.   βΈ»   oc superpower rp。   open。 (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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